Chapter 3 - Food

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Thursday, January 5 --- 12:15p.m.

Seeing he had left, Edward's captor shoved aside his plate, falling to the floor and breaking. 

"I'm full. Clean up the mess and put away the food. It tasted like trash anyway, so if throwing it away is easier, go ahead."

Going to grab a dustpan and broom to sweep up the broken ceramic plate and fallen deviled eggs, which were now inedible due to the shards inside them, she left while Edward's captor sat back and laughed. It took a considerable amount of willpower to refrain herself from giving Edward's captor a piece of her mind. She took the now full dustpan and walked outside to the garbage bin. Upon heading inside, there was still some egg mixture splattered on the floor, so she got a wet rag and mopped it up.

"You aren't done yet, missy."

"I never said I was," the woman mumbled.

"What was that?"



After putting the rag into the laundry basket, she took the plate of deviled eggs into the kitchen and set it down. Opening the fridge and looking inside, she found some strawberries and grapes, adding them to the plate. Retrieving the plate full of food, she headed into the ballroom.

Fifteen minutes after leaving to continue scrubbing the floor, Edward had the entire floor spotless. A faint knock sounded on the door to the ballroom.

When he opened the door, he saw a plate filled with strawberries, deviled eggs and grapes on the floor. Trying one of the deviled eggs, he found they tasted great. Looking around, he couldn't see anyone, but there were only two other people there and something told him his captor wouldn't do something like that. He felt his heart warm. First it was staying by him, then helping him up and now giving him food.

Why do all this though? It doesn't help her and if my captor ever caught her, she would be in a lot of trouble for being so nice to me.

Checking to make sure the coast was clear, he picked up the plate and sat down with it, eating the food. He had almost forgotten how good real food tasted.

For the first time in over a year, Edward felt hope. Hope that people would take care of him. If a stranger he barely met did, then surely other people would as well, right?

Not long after he finished the food in blissful silence and hid the plate, he heard his captor barge in and momentarily froze up.

"She said she was in here dancing earlier. Was she?"

I don't want her to get hurt. Not after everything she has done for me.

"No, I didn't see her."

A shock ran through him again and he pulled his knees up to his chest.

"That doesn't match what she said. You know I can't stand you lying. Let me guess, she came in here and you were just lying to protect her. Why were you in here with her?"

"I-I came in here to clean," he weakly said. "I'm sorry I didn't finish earlier."

"Do you miss her?" Edward's captor asked, a mischievous look suddenly appearing on his face. "I'm guessing you do. Don't worry, I'll set up a visit where you can see each other again soon. Maybe even tomorrow."

My captor would never do anything like this. Why the sudden change of heart?

"What's the catch?"

"There doesn't need to be one, does there?"

This isn't like him. I don't trust him not to pull something on me, but I should stop worrying. At least I get to see her again soon.

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