Chapter 32 - Visitors

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Saturday, January 14 --- 5:59p.m.

The doorbell finally rang. He tried to keep cool on the outside, but on the inside, Edward was a nervous wreck.

"Grace, do you want to get it or should I?"

"I can get it," Grace said, standing up and going to go get the door, opening it so the people behind it could come on inside. "Come on in. Naf and Edward are in the living room."

"Close your eyes," she whispered, to which he listened. "Good."

Not much later after Edward closed his eyes, he heard Grace coming back with what sounded like two other people but he wasn't positive.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," Grace said, taking a seat next to Edward on his right side, since he had been in the middle of the couch and Nafratearie was on his left.

Edward slowly opened his eyes. They refused to open all of the way the first few times because he was so nervous but he finally got the courage to open them. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw. It had been so long.

"Mom? Dad?" he asked, tears pricking his eyes. "Is that you?"

"Yes it is son," his dad said.

Edward stood up and both of his parents sandwiched him in a hug. A flood of happiness rushed through him and he felt more tears forming in his eyes. This couldn't be.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he confessed, still holding onto them dearly.

"Nafratearie kept on telling us all week how good your behavior was and how you listened to her and Grace so well. I'm proud of you," his mom beamed at him. "That's the boy I know."

Even as their hug ended, Edward still couldn't stop smiling. Slowly, he sat back down where he had been on the couch.

"Me and Grace are going to start cooking dinner. How about you and your dad spend some bonding time together?" his mom said.

This only made Edward grin even more as his dad sat down beside him.

"I call setting the table," Naf said, standing up.

Edward's mom and Grace followed suit, ready to start dinner.

"What do you want to cook?" asked Grace.

"Well, Edward always did like meatloaf growing up."

"Okay, I'll see if we can make that then."

Nafratearie was already in the kitchen and had pulled out a table cloth to set the table with. During all this, Edward and his dad spent some time talking.

"So, how has life here been?"

"It's honestly been so amazing. They both treat me so well. I don't understand it."

"You have a good heart. They can see that."

Edward smiled happily. Not that he believed that, he was no better than any other person, but still.

"Did you tell her yet?"


"That? Why?"

"Because I know you. You have feelings for her."

"What if she doesn't like me though?"

"Why wouldn't she?"

"All I do is complain and stress over nothing, I'm scared almost all the time over absolutely everything, I once got mad at Nafratearie and took it out on her..."

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