Chapter 2 - Visitor

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Thursday, January 5 --- 10:29a.m.

When his captor reappeared, he was shocked once again for failure to finish cleaning the floor in time. Quickly, he wiped away his tear streaked face, hoping his captor would not notice. More shocks filled his body. Trying to stand, he buckled under his own weight; weakness consuming him inside. Being shocked always took away any energy he had.

The doorbell rang and Edward managed to lift his head.

"Oh, that must be my guest. You remember how much fun the last one was, right?" his captor smirked, looking down at Edward laying on the floor.

All Edward could do was sulk inside his head. He couldn't say what he was thinking because that would undoubtedly get him shocked even more, which was one of the last things he wanted right now. The last guest his captor had came over for Christmas and the two of them took turns beating Edward with a knot-filled rope, leaving welts on his back.

Leaving to answer the door, Edward's captor left him without a second thought. Even though Edward could not see who it was, due to the thin walls in the room, he could make out a woman's voice that sounded familiar.

Wait a minute...I know that voice from somewhere. Isn't she one of the voices I hear in the headphones every day? Yes, she is. Makes sense why my captor loves her so much then. They'll probably take turns beating me like last time.

"I'll start setting the table if you cook," Edward's captor said as he presumably led her inside, towards the kitchen, their voices growing louder as they got closer to him.

"I'm not that good at it," the woman said. "Do you have something else I can help with?"

Suit yourself. I don't care. It's not like I ever get any food anyway. Hey, keep that up and you might get sent to the basement, where you belong.

He had been there before, unfortunately and he knew what went on down there. In the basement, the walls were lined with cages, each cage four feet by four feet or so. Some were larger than others. A fabric lined each cage, so he was unable to see inside, but could make out a silhouette in each one, except for a few empty ones. 

The room stank. They were never let out and were starved for weeks before receiving any food at all. In comparison to them, he got much more: one small snack a day he could never tell what was. It tasted like trash, but it was that or starve, so he would eat it most of the time.

Edward's thoughts were interrupted by the continuing conversation. 

"You will cook," his captor said, raising his voice to a threatening level. "I make the decisions around here, not you."

"How about deviled eggs? I can make those. Will that work?"

"Perfect. Oh, and make sure my assistant receives none of them. He is a lazy, unmotivated, selfish excuse for a human."

So I work my sorry backside off for you and this is how you view me? Well thanks but no thanks!

The woman did not say anything in response and found a pot to make the deviled eggs in. Satisfied that she was cooperating so easily, his captor walked out and headed to his closet. Rummaging around, he found an old suit, dress pants, shoes and a plain tie, draping them across his left arm.

Upon walking into the ballroom, he found Edward sitting on the floor, raising his right arm to brush away the dried tears from earlier. The contents Edward's captor had brought were tossed across the floor, landing on the dry section next to Edward.

"Put these on and come into the kitchen when you're done. You can leave your old clothes here. No slip-ups," he grumbled, glaring at the floor with his newly empty hands curled up into fists.

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