Ch.1 Confusion?

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Chase POV: I was sitting in my pup house while the other pups where playing hide and seek. I did not know who was it but I saw Skye heading my way in a hurry.

Skye POV: Got to hide got to hide. Umm Chases pup house should work.

Chase: Hi Skye

Skye: Oh Sorry Chase I thought you where in the lookout. I was gonna hide in your pup house.

Chase: You could still hide in here my pup house is big after all. There is room for one more.

Skye: Thank you Chase I think Marshall is already on his way to find everyone.

Chase POV: Skye had hurried in and hid behind me. I had a weird feeling while she was by me it was kind of a warm feeling. It was very confusing.

Marshall POV: I had already found Rubble and Zuma. Rubble was in a hole and Zuma was by the water.
Now I have have to find Rocky and Skye.

Rocky POV: I hope Marshall dose not check behind the lookout, Because im hidding by our recycling bin. I saw Skye hid in Chases pup house and it looked like Chase was in it to and it looks like there talking. I wonder what there talkong about.

Skye: Chase?

Chase: Yeah Skye.

Skye: Why do you have picture's of me and you all around your pup house?

Chase: um... I dont know I just have them I guess. (Thinking:Why do I have them.)

Skye: Okay...

Chase: shhh Marshall is coming.

Skye: Okay.

Marshall: Hi chase have you seen Skye or Rocky?

Chase: No and why?

Marshall: I Can't find them.

Chase: Hmm have you looked behind the lookout?

Marshall: No im gonna go do that. (Trips over stick) Oof where did that stick come from hehe.

Chase: ohh Marshall.

Rocky POV: I could see Chase and Marshall talking about something. I don't know what itd was but Chase told him something now Marshall is coming my way. Got to hide. Umm behide the bin.

Marshall POV: I went behind the lookout and I saw Rocky dart behind the recycling bin.

Marshall: Found you Rocky!

Rocky: Aww man did not expect you to come looking back here.

Marshall: Well Chase asked me if I looked back here and I had not so I did. That is how i found you.

Rocky: Did Chase know I was back here?

Marshall: No why?

Rocky: I just thought maybe he told you back here so you would not go where Skye is.

Marshall: Do you know where Skye is?

Rocky: Yeah Why?

Marshall: Can you tell me. Pls.

Rocky: Hmm..

Marshall: I'll give you my pup treat later.

Rocky: Fine.

Marshall: Okay where.

Rocky: In Chases pup house.

Marshall: Really? I was just there and did not see her.

Rocky: Yeah i wacthed her go on there earlier.

Marshall: Okay thanks.

Rocky: Don't mention it.

Back at Chases pup house:

Chase: Skye Marshall is coming back hide behind me.

Skye: Okay.

Chase POV: After I told Skye that I had sat up so she could hide behind me. Then when she did she had leaned up against me and i had felt that same feeling again. It was a weird feeling but i kinda liked it it made me feel warm inside. Then at that moment Marshall got here.

Marshal: Chase is Skye in your pup house?

Chase: No why?

Skye POV: Man Chase is doing alot to keep me from getting found. He even lied to Marshall but i don't think marshall believes him. Oh no i think im gonan get caught.

Marshall: So then you wont mind me looking?

Chase: Yes I mind its my pup house! (He said a little angered.)

Marshall: Wow calm done Chase.

Chase: Sorry I dont know why I got so mad. (Thinking to himself That was a little weird).

Marshall POV: After Chase had calmed down and apologised I had seen some pink behind him.

Marshall: Hey Chase.

Chase: Yeah?

Marshall: I can see Skye behind you.

Chase: Okay fine yes Skye is here.

Skye: Aww man you found me.

Chase POV: As Skye had walked away I had felt even weirder. I could not figure out why but it was like something that completes me just left, but I don't know why I feel this. As I had started to think about it Ryder had called us in for dinner.

There you go folks my first chapter of my first story. Tell me what you think in the comments. Just keep in mind this is my first time trying to write a story and I do not know when i will update next but it will be soon peace.

Ps: Make sure to check out icandream05 for me she has a really good series going over there.

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