It Changes Things

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Callie POV

I turned over and reached to Brandon's side of the bed, it was empty. I opened my eyes and heard a clanking noise coming from the kitchen. I  got up and made my way to the kitchen. When I got there I saw Brandon was making breakfast, he turned around and saw me.

Brandon- Good morning.

Callie- Good morning, what are you doing?

Brandon- Well I woke up early so I thought I would make breakfast.

Callie- I can't believe you did all this.. We just moved in, we don't even have any food in the fridge.

Brandon- Well there's a store right down the street so..

I smiled and glanced over at the stove.

Callie- Pancakes?

Brandon- Yeah.

I couldn't hold back anymore, a tear fell from my eye.

Brandon- Callie don't cry.. I mean they're good pancakes but not that good.

We both laughed.

Callie- It's not that.. all the things we talked about doing together.. they're happening. It's like a dream. 

Brandon- It's just the beginning for us.

After we ate breakfast Brandon dropped me off at work and then went to work himself. Daphne was already there working.

Daphne- What are you so smiley about?

Callie- Just happy.

Daphne- Brandon dropped you off, are you guys back together or something?

Callie- More than just together.. we got married.

Daphne- What! Are you crazy?

Callie- Maybe a little bit. Look I know it's sudden and crazy but I'm really happy.

Daphne- What about the adoption?

Callie- It's not happening anymore..

Daphne- And that's what you want? I thought getting adopted was really important to you?

Callie- It was but.. I changed my mind.

Daphne- All of a sudden, huh?

Callie- Okay I know what this looks like but its not like that. I have been in love with Brandon for a long time.. even when we were dating other people, it was always him.

Daphne- Speaking of other people..

I turned around and saw Wyatt coming towards the diner. I turned back to Daphne.

Callie- Oh my God, what am I gonna say to him?

Daphne- Well you don't have to say anything, just show him the ring on your finger and maybe he'll put two and two together.

Callie- I can't talk to him right now.

Daphne- What are you gonna do? He's coming right towards us.

Callie- Okay, just don't leave me alone with him.

Daphne- Okay.

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