Try Harder

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Brandon POV

I approached the front door of the Fosters house. I hesitated slightly but then knocked on the door anyways. After a few minutes Callie answered it.

Brandon- Hey..

Callie- Hi.

She turned away from the door and crossed the room to put her jacket on.

Callie- How did you know I was here?

Brandon- Just a guess.. I was hoping we could talk.

Callie- I can't.. I'm going out.

Brandon- Right now?

Callie- I'm going out to lunch with Wyatt.

Brandon- Wyatt! He asked you out?

Callie- I asked him.

Brandon- Why are you doing this? 

Callie- You went out with Lou the other night!

Brandon- There is nothing going on between me and Lou! I met her the other night to talk about business.

Callie- What business?

Brandon- I sold her one of my songs.. I was trying to bring in some extra money.

Callie- Why didn't you tell me?

Brandon- You didn't give me a chance.. you never gave me a chance.

Callie POV

Callie- I mean it's ridiculous right? I'm feeling guilty for not trusting him when he is the one that has been keeping things from me since the day we got married.

Wyatt- Well.. you shouldn't beat yourself up over it.

Callie- I know, I know.. I was so stupid to think this could ever work. I just don't even know why I keep going back.

Wyatt- Yeah.. I don't know why I keep going back either.

Callie- What?

Wyatt- If I wasn't sure about things being over between us before.. I am now.

Callie- What do you mean?

Wyatt- Callie this entire lunch you haven't stopped talking about Brandon, It's pretty evident that you still love him.. and the only reason you came here was to get me to convince you that your right to walk away because deep down you know its wrong.

Brandon POV

I headed into the kitchen, I looked around cautiously trying to avoid Callie. I saw Moms in the kitchen washing dishes after dinner.

Stef- Hey B.

Brandon- Hey.

Lena- Are you here to see Callie?

Brandon- No, I saw enough of her earlier. I just.. well college starts in a few weeks and I have to start paying tuition so I was hoping you would open the account back up for me.

Stef- Sure.. I'm glad you decided to go to that school.

Brandon- Well there's nothing keeping me here.. I should have just stuck to the plan all along.

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