We Stay Intact

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Brandon POV

We were lucky to find an apartment so quickly. I watched Callie as she surveyed the place. Walking all around, not saying a word. The place wasn't big but enough room for two people. It had a decent sized kitchen and living room area and a small bedroom and bathroom.

Brandon- So.. what do you think?

Callie turned around and smiled at me.

Callie- I think.. it's perfect.

Brandon- Yeah?

Callie- Yeah.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I rested mine on her waist.

Brandon- I just wanna make you happy.

Callie- You have already made me happier than I have ever been.

We kissed. I moved to kiss her neck but she stopped me.

Brandon- What's wrong?

Callie- I know where this is heading and.. we can't. We have to unpack.

Brandon- Okay but we have all day.

Callie- Okay, it's not that.. the family is coming over soon.

Brandon- They're coming here?

Callie- They want to help us settle in to our new apartment.

Brandon- They want to help us? Just a few days ago mom was telling us how we ruined our lives.

Callie- I know but.. Lena called to see if we were okay and I mentioned we found an apartment so..

Brandon- We don't need their help.. all they're gonna do is come over here and threaten us to end our marriage.

Callie- They're trying.. otherwise they wouldn't be coming over at all.

Brandon- Or they're just coming to try and break us up.

Callie- Well that is not possible.. just try and keep an open mind.

Brandon- Fine, but this is not gonna go well.. I know it.

Callie POV

There was a knock on the door, we both stopped unpacking. I went to answer it but took a look back at Brandon before opening the door.

Brandon- What?

Callie- Be nice, okay?

Brandon- I'm always nice.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Brandon POV

Callie- So where's Jesus?

Lena- Oh he had wrestling practice so he couldn't make it.

Callie- Of course..

Lena- This is a nice place.

Mariana- It's small.

Lena- Mariana..

Brandon- Well its big enough for the two of us.

Callie- You know what Jude, why don't you come help me get the rest of the boxes from the car.

Lena- Yeah and Mariana you can help me unpack boxes in the other room.

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