Keeping Secrets

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Callie POV

It was my day off work, I was trying to finish unpacking the last couple boxes that were sitting in the corner of the living room. I opened the first box and pulled out a stack of papers. I started sorting though them and came across a receipt for the TV Brandon had bought. Just looking at the price blew me away. I heard a knock on the door. I stuffed the receipt into my pocket and went to answer it.

Sofia- Hi.

Callie- Hey.. what are you doing here?

Sofia- I brought you a house warming gift.

She held out a bag to me, I took it from her.

Callie- You didn't have to get me anything.

Sofia- Well it was really just an excuse to come see you. Dad told me you dropped by the house the other day.

Callie- Come in.

Sofia came in and we both sat down. I opened the gift she gave me and pulled out an empty picture frame.

Callie- Thank you.

Sofia- Sorry I didn't have a picture to put in it but I hope you like it.

Callie- It's perfect.. I've been meaning to get some photos up on the walls.

Sofia- So whats it like being married?

Callie- Oh.. it's great..

Sofia- Are you disappointed you didn't have a real wedding?

Callie- Well it wasn't like the wedding's you see on TV but it was real in the way that counted.

Brandon POV

I came into the apartment and saw Callie reading on the couch. 

Brandon- Hey.

Callie- Hi.

I took my coat off and glanced across the room, the TV was gone.

Brandon- Where's the TV?

Callie- I returned it.

Brandon- Did you even think to ask me first?

Callie- I thought about it.. then I did it anyways.

Brandon- I can't believe you..

Callie- Well believe it.

Brandon- So what is this payback for the other night? I didn't talk to you about college so you return the TV without talking to me.

Callie- This has nothing to do with payback.. you lied to me!

Brandon- I did not!

Callie- A great deal? Those were your exact words, that TV cost a fortune!

Brandon- It's just a stupid TV! Your making a big deal out of nothing..

Callie- This is a big deal! this is about our marriage..

Brandon- Well It's not like that's your top priority these days anyways.

Callie- What is that supposed to mean?

Brandon- It means that you're more concerned with what everyone else thinks then you are about us!

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