Give It Time

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Lena POV

Lena- So what did he say exactly?

Stef- He said that He and Callie got married.

Lena- This dosen't make sense, why would they just run off suddenly and elope?

Mike- You didn't notice them acting weird or anything?

Stef- No we didn't know they were gonna run off and elope, but then again they are pretty good at hiding things.

Lena- Okay, lets just stay calm.

Stef- How can we be calm about this. Our son is married to our daughter.

Mike- Do you have to say it like that?

Stef- Well that's what it is.

Mike- We can just have the marriage overturned.

Stef- Callie's not 18 yet so technically the marriage isn't legal.

Lena- Can we just slow down here?

Stef- You know whats gonna happen.. she's gonna get pregnant and they're gonna forget all about college.

Lena- Stef! Just stop.

Stef- What?

Lena- We can't try to break up the marriage.

Mike- Why not?

Lena- Look I am just as upset about this as you guys are but.. If we try to force them to end this they're just gonna fight harder.

Stef- What so we just let this happen?

Mike- We can end the marriage, shes not of age yet.

Lena- Okay so we end the marriage now and then next week when Callie turns 18 they just run off and get married all over again.. only this time they both hate us.

Stef- We can't just do nothing.

Lena- I'm not saying do nothing but.. if we don't handle this right we are going to alienate them.

Mike- Shes right. Brandon's 18.. legally we have no right to tell him what to do.

Stef- Well I'm not accepting that.. They are making adult decisions based on some fantasy that they're in love.

Brandon POV

Brandon- Okay, you ready?

We sat in my car outside the house. I reached over and held Callie's hand, she looked nervous.

Brandon- Everything's gonna be fine, Callie.

Callie- Will you do something for me?

Brandon- Sure, anything.

Callie- I know what were walking into and.. I know its probably gonna be intense but I don't want this to turn into a screaming match.

Brandon- I don't want that either but..

Callie- Just don't feed into anything they're saying.. if we don't stay calm there gonna think were not really serious about this.

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