[angst?] ghosts.

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they ghost

if the chapter is taken down it's because i got insecure about the oneshot lol

i write angst when i'm feeling down, n i'm not good at expressing feelings over text or whatever so read it or not idc

might be lots of misspelling but who cares

schlatt woke up with a loud gasp, laying on the ground somewhere. he didn't know where he was, he didn't remember much either. he put his hand on his chest where his heart was supposed be beating.

of course there was no beating, he was fucking dead.

he sat up, feeling the cold immediately hit his face. he thought he was gonna shiver or something but, nothing.

he opened his eyes, it was dark. dark and nothing. he remembered a few faces, faces of people who betrayed him. they all lied, they never really were there for him.

he remembered how one of the last things he did was to make eye contact with wilbur, how he could hear the laughs and gasps, as he fell to the ground.

he knew he had been an asshole for a lot of people, but what did they do for him? nothing. everyone betrayed him. everyone left him when he was at his lowest point, when he was sat crying and nobody knew. (relatable lol)

he sat, his knees close to his chest while his face was digging down between his knees, blue tears started soaking the fabric of his pants.

he tried to remember good things, he tried to remember all the laughs he had with people and especially the times with wilbur. after he got chosen as the president, he wasn't able to notice how other felt, or how he felt.

him and wilbur had been having a little thing with each other, since first time they talked. even when he was the president, wilbur still came to visit him. everyone thought they hated each other, and they once almost got caught sharing a kiss.

so schlatt did the only thing he could think of so everything didn't seem suspicious between them, he revoked them, wilbur and tommy.

it's not that he remember any of all this, only the revoke part but that's because his heart shattered like glass, in thousands of thousands pieces, when he did it. he betrayed wilbur there. he didn't remember much, just the look on wils face.

but wil was still alive right?

he could feel that he was crying by now, definitely crying. he could feel the tears run down, they never stopped. everything suddenly stopped for him, not the tears, but everything around him.

he suddenly heard.. footsteps? he definitely heard,, footsteps. they echoed through the empty space he was sat in.

he looked around fast, confused by the new sounds of not only emptiness and nothing, except the quiet choked sobs he would let out.

he noticed a yellow looking sweater. wait- yellow sweater? it clicked for him. wil was dead too? he started repeating 'no' over and over, not believing that wilbur would be dead too.

he sighed, "w-wilbur? wilbur!" he could see the figure turn around, surprised by someone calling his name.

wil walked closer to the voice, it seemed very familiar but he couldn't quiet set a finger on who it was. he noticed some horns, and the realization set in. he walks faster over to the sitting boy, seeing that he was crying.

"sc-schlatt?.." they made eye contact with each other.

schlatt stood up fast, shaking wils shoulders as he talked, "wil! wh-why are you here!? you are supposed to be with- with tommy or something! not here- why are yo-"

"..i chose it myself, schla-"

"no! nonono you cant be here wil!-" he looked into wilbur eyes with pain and regret, his eyes were red and puffy from the crying of blue tears. "-wil, you h-have you go back!! you cant be dead- you-" his sentence was cut short but his own sobs.

"..you have to go back wi-l! you had so much to live for... so so much..." schlatt was collapsing into wils arms, only being held up by the arms under his.

"...schlatt, i chose it myself- i couldn't-" wil held schlatt, feeling his eyes fill up with tears. "-i couldnt do it anymore?.."

"you- you had a whole family that loves you" wilbur could feel schlatts horn slightly poke at his chin, he moved his head and hugged the other tighter.

thats the thing, his family and others could still see him. he could see colors, faint colors. he was much more positive as... dead? he only remembered the good stuff in life, nothing bad really. he calmed himself down with blue- the color blue, because of schlatt.

"i- i do have family- they can see me, i can see them. i'm happy-" wil said, smiling slightly.

"you can see anything? it's not just- pitch black? or whatever this is...?" he stumbled away from wil, his face still filled with tears and eyes as red as they now can be. he noticed how much he was shaking by now.

he sat himself down and hugged his legs again, "was i that bad of a person? i- i got caught up in everything.. i- i got pulled with it- i couldn't stop! they didn't like me anyways did they? nobody fucking ever thought good a-about me..!"

"i could hear how almost everyone laughed when i fell- when i died they laughed..! wil, t-they laughed at me!!" schlatt stuttered out while talking, half of his sentences getting cut short by his own choked sobs.

he bit his lips tightly together, feeling himself shiver and shake. wilbur didn't know what to say, because they did laugh at him. they laughed at him finally being gone?..

"listen schlatt i-" wil took in a deep breath, gently placing a hand on schlatts knee as he sat himself in front of schlatt. "i um- forget about them, ok? forget about all the bad stuff! i don't remember any bad stuff.." wil tried to calm the other down, seeing the look of schlatts face: it didn't help at all.

"forget all the bad stuff... yeah, no it's the only thing i remember wil! i don't remember any good shit between us, i just remember us. because i had to be an absolute asshole my entire life... i did everything wrong, didn't i?"

"y-you cant- don't remember anything.. good?"

schlatts tears was not stopping, they kept running down his face.

"no wil- i don't remember anything.. good.."

"so- you don't remember our first conversation where we were so awkward? or when we did those challenges..? our first kiss?" wil smiled lightly, he felt himself actually getting emotional now, not just a few tears. he looked at the other who shaked his head.

"you- you d-dont?.." wil placed both his hands on schlatts knees, scared that he might forget him too.

wil suddenly heard footsteps from behind him. techno. his head fell down on the other knees, he was scared.

"w-wil? what are you.. doing?.." techno asked concerned as he looked down at the slightly see-through guy.

wils head turned to look at schlatt and then up at techno, his eyes widened as the realization sat in, techno couldn't see schlatt.

"you- you cant see him can you?.. you- y.. oh.." wilbur stood up, his breathing even more uneven. "you cant-"

"no, wil i cant see anyone?.." techno said confused and his voiced was filled with concern. "who am i supposed to see?..."

wil picked up a blue flower from his pockets, trying to calm himself. it didn't work right now, he couldn't imagine how schlatt felt, he was alone.

"tec-techno you cant see schlatt?.. you ca- oh no.." wil looked at schlatt while he stood up, schlatt must feel left alone, left out.

schlatt looked at wilbur, he felt more broken than ever. he was left alone, for real this time.

at least- at least he had wilbur, right? as the only one..

this was so bad i am so sorry

i don't know how to express things over text i just cry while writing lol

as said

this was bad n remember to eat and drink water thank you

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