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This is when they are thinking and this when it's an A/N and narration or POV'S. So without further adew, I present my story. Also chapter titles will always be in caps. If you haven't read the tags or disclaimer, then please do. Story time...

Third Person POV

Naruto woke up to the sound of his alarm going off and quickly turned it off as he got up and got ready for school. He didn't like getting up, he'd prefer to never be able to get up again, if you get my drift. He hated leaving home because he had no friends and was bullied by the people he used to call his friends. He decided to get ready and made his way down stairs.

Naruto lives by himself and prefers to be alone anyway. He was just a 17 year old who lives by himself because his family is 'on a trip and won't be back for awhile'. The truth is, Naruto's family died a long time ago when he was 12. He lost his dad and mom and few years prior to loosing his older brother Saito and his younger sister Narumi. If you looked at him, you could see that his eyes were 'lifeless'. (yes, I'm doing the whole 'emotionless' thing, so please don't hate)

He wore contacts to make his eyes look from a navy blue to the original ocean blue they used to be all those years ago. He hated people sympathizing him or feeling pity for him. So to prevent that he made a mask of stone, so hard that he's made a reputation as a dumb and silly slacker who had a smile for days and couldn't do a thing right to save his life.

When he was being beaten by his usual bullies, they'd call him stupid and pathetic because he didn't bother to fight back. He only thought, Please, I'm faking a happy, joyful life and you guys are too blind to see through it.

Today was an easier day than others because he woke up not hyperventilating. Usually he would have his nightmares and wake up like that, but today he woke up from one of his easier nightmares. He considered those types easy because they were usually so bad that he wouldn't try to sleep for a few days in fear that he might have that same nightmare again.

And also the fact that his mask was cracking. His stone was breaking and he couldn't control it. I mean, he's giving up, day by day, and found himself struggling to stay alive. He couldn't stand life anymore. He hated everything about life, except for  art. Naruto loves to draw and color whatever he drew. For the most part, him drawing was a perfect excuse not to hang out with people that he didn't like, such as Sakura and her lackies.

Although he never talked to anyone, he'd prefer to be alone so no one could find out that his mask was cracked and only getting worse. However, out of everyone that would be mean to him, calling him names, or beating him, this particular person only called him one thing. Can you guess? This person always said to him, "Stupid dobe." If you guessed Sasuke, then you are correct.

Sasuke didn't bully him, one being because he didn't know that Naruto was be bullied both physically and mentally. For all he knew, Naruto was the happiest and most care free person alive. But, what if he where to find out the truth about the blue eyed blonde that he so loves to tease. He would probably be horrified if he found out what Naruto did to himself and what Sakura and her lackies did to him as well...

Naruto's POV

I walked down stairs and looked at the fridge in the kitchen. I hadn't eaten in a while because I didn't care. I still don't care, I would honestly prefer to dead by now, but life wants to be a bitch and make me live longer. It feels like karma...

I started to relive my greatest nightmare, then snapped out of it because I had realized that I was still in my pajamas. I walked back up stairs and changed, as I did, I saw the scars on my arms. Their fading, I thought. I got in the shower so I could add some more cuts on me.

I liked cutting, it made me feel pain, made me feel that I was still human. After I added maybe 48 in total, 24 on each arm. I didn't bother adding any to my sides because we had a tournament in gym today, so I didn't want people to worry about me. I got out, bandaged my cuts, and got dressed in a black long sleeve shirt, gray jeans, and my usual black and orange hoodie.

I started walking to school and as I did , I noticed that I wasn't being chased and that's when it hits me. That's right, I thought, I set my alarm an hour back so I wouldn't be chased or beaten on the way to school. Geez, and people call me stupid. I continued to walk to school and when I got there, I went straight to my locker to get my art supplies. I had accidentally left it in my locker and that is also one of the reasons that I had set my alarm on my phone an hour before I originally had it go off.

Before I left home and was at the doorway, I was about leave when I almost forgot my contacts. Boy, if I had forgot, I'd be in some hell deep water. On my way to school, I stopped by my families graves like I usually did, replacing the flowers that I brought from yesterday. I stop by their graves everyday, and I would hurt myself if I didn't go see them. Literally, I would add cuts if I didn't go.

I sat down in the classroom and started drawing. I was hoping that my bullies wouldn't come before anyone else did. I drew for at least 20 minutes and when I was done, I was shocked at what I had drew...

I had drawn someone from my class. Who I had drawn completely shocked me because I drew.....Sasuke.


If you made it here then you have read the first chapter of my crappy story and it is also the first one I have ever made so please give me a break if it's bad.

I will be giving my readers a reward if they would like it. It's info on me if you like to know something about me as long as it's not something a weirdo stranger would say. Again, this is if you want to, but if you don't, that's fine with me.

If I get at least 5 or more readers and 5 or more request about this then I will give info about me on whatever you guys request. As long as it's not something a weirdo stranger would say. Please comment if you liked the first chapter and if you didn't, then oh well I don't care if you put a hate comment, but I would prefer no hate please.

And thank you for reading this crappy story!!!🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

You can also ask questions involving the 'reward' or the story if you want to! Have a good day/night! ✌️✌️👋👋👋

(This is the edited version, which is just a copy and paste and some small changes to how it looks. I hope you liked it!)


A Cracked Mask Made of Stone (Sasuke x depressed Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now