Chapter 2 part 2: BAGS AND NIGHTMARES

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A/N: So my phone wanted to be a bitch and delete the second part of this and make me think that it was the first part. It made me cry because I thought that it was the first part and now I'm mad as hell because of the fact that my phone is a fucking dumbass bitch for doing this to me. Anyway, I hope that you like the story and sorry if it doesn't follow the first part very well. Without further adew, I present the second part of the second chapter.


Kakashi's POV

So, I had everyone on a team, right? WRONG! I was about to start the game when a student came out of the boys locker room. I thought it was one of that Uchiha's friends, then realized that it was one of my non-athletic kids. Actually, the only non-athletic kid in this class. Naruto Uzumaki? Why is he not on a team!? Are you kidding me!? I was internally screaming at myself, then realized that I didn't have him on a team in the first place.

The kid's so antisocial that I didn't put him on a team! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? I'M GONNA STRANGLE THIS KID! I gave up and decided that he's gonna be on Sasuke's team.

I walked up to him and said, "Okay, so it's both yours and my fault that your not on a team. So you're going to be on Sasuke's team, alright?" He looked at me, completely frozen, he looked nervous. I had him in the position I wanted him in and as I was about to blow the whistle, I remembered that I had basketball jerseys for them. I was so mad, I threw the whistle and almost hit a student.

GOD DAMMIT, JUST LET ME START THE FUCKING DUMBASS GAME FOR FUCKS SAKES! I hit my forehead and gave up trying. "Okay! I got you guys jerseys, so go put the damn things on so I can fucking start the damn game!" They all looked at my like I was stupid. I handed them the stupid ass jerseys, and they all went to change.

I also gave them arm sleeves to go with their jerseys because I have a great sense in style. (So do I man UwU) They all went to change, while I just waited so I could get the damn game started. It really bothers me that I have such a bad memory, I swear, I might have dementia or something. (That's a memory disorder for those who don't know and I also just saved you some time from google 😌😌😌)

Naruto's POV

OH MY GOD! DID LIFE ACTUALLY HELP ME!? I swear, I might be dying. Wait...dying...not bad. I thought that as I walked to the locker room after Kakashi gave us our jerseys. I stopped. No! You can't think like that. At least, not here, not in school. Wait until you get home to blame yourself for shit that happened years ago. I started walking again and changed into my basketball jersey, and thankfully, we got arm sleeves that are so long, they cover up my bandaged arms. (I don't know how long they are in reality okay! Give me a break will ya!?)

I walked out after I changed. Kakashi looked so happy, I thought that he was gonna break the whistle in his hand. I thought that he was gonna start the game as soon as everyone else was out and ready, but instead, he started to jump up and down from joy. Is he even human?, I thought as he kept jumping up and down.

>>>>TIME SKEEP<<<<
(I'm saving typing energy, deal with it)

Sasuke's POV

The bell for lunch finally rang, my friends ran out the door for god knows what reason. I swear, they act like it's the last meal they're ever gonna eat or something. While they ran, I walked while thinking about the game we just had in gym. Naruto has a skill that I bet my weekly allowance on that no body even knew, not even his closest friends knew about.

That's when it hits me. Wait, does Naruto even have friends? (That was not meant to roast him or anything btw) He always walks outside for lunch and no one ever walked out there either, so I thought that his friends were already out there. But, no one ever left the cafeteria to go outside and I'm pretty sure that no one's left at all. I know that because there has always been the exact same number of people in the cafeteria, unless a few students here or there were absent.

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