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I'm back! You're probably tired of seeing that but I'm trying my best here believe it or not. I have other stories to work on and coming up with ideas for new chapters is getting harder and harder, but that doesn't mean I'm dropping the stories. So, please enjoy this chapter.


Sasuke's POV

"Wait! You're..." I couldn't finish my sentence due to shock, but the man that stood before me seemed to be surprised that I know who he is. "So why do you wanna date Naru? How do you know him? Have you ever been arrested and if so, what for?" He started asking me. I feel like I'm being interrogated.. I wasn't really listening to him or wanting to answer because I was trying to fix my mind on how he was here and also trying to wrap my mind around the idea that he actually is.

"Hey! Can you hear me? Answer my questions kid." I had no idea how long I was there, but next thing I knew, my phone went off. "Oh shit! School! We're gonna be late!" I was about to run off when I turned to him and asked for his number. "Excuse me? Why do you want my number?" I looked at him as though he was stupid, despite him being older than me. "In case of emergency, I need your number. You can have mine as well so you know if I call." We exchanged numbers and after that, I ran off to my car.

Naruto isn't going to believe this! I can't wait to tell him! I made it to my car and quickly got in, about to tell him who I saw, but was interrupted. "It can wait. We have school, idiot." I tried to tell him on the way there, but he insisted to tell him after school. So, lets just say that his idea of when to tell him didn't sit well with me.

Mystery Man's POV

"Jeez.." I looked at the kids contact that had just been put into my phone. "Sasuke Uchiha, seems legit. But, why does he want to date Naruto?" I sighed, shoving my phone back in my pocket. I turned to the graves where that Sasuke kid had just been. "Well, I'd smoke, but you wouldn't like that. Are you guys well? Anything happen between now and my last visit besides that thing with the Uchiha kid just not that long ago?" I didn't get any answers and quite frankly didn't care for one.

"I'm thinking about going to Iruka's and asking for Naru's address. I plan on going there, but he probably has school, so he won't be back for a while. Maybe Iruka has a key? Hopefully, or I won't be able to get settled in. I wonder if he lives in the same house?" I turned and began walking away, pulling out my cigarettes and lighter. After I light one, I continue to think aloud. "I wonder if he touched my room?"

I continued walking until I reached my motorcycle (yes, I gave him a motorcycle), tossing away my cigarette and hopping on. Where to? How about....Iruka's place, assuming he still lives there.


Sasuke's POV

So far, if I had a to-do listen, I'd check or cross out a majority of the things off. Right now, me, Naruto, and my friends are at our table at lunch. Well- not our table, more like the table that Naruto sits at because he doesn't like eating in the cafeteria. However, so far, he's been drawing instead of eating, and it's getting on my nerves because of what he told me earlier in the day about not eating much. That reminds me... I look to Kiba and Shino, who are talking and being all "cutesy" with each other.

"Hey, lovebirds. There's food in front of you two and I don't mean each other." The others, Shikamaru, Gaara, Rock Lee, Tamari (did I spell her name right?), Hinata, and Sai (all I'm putting cuz there's already a lot but if you want more peeps just give me names), had started laughing at my statement. Kiba looks at me, then smirks. "Well, what about Naruto, huh? He isn't eating, are you going to force feed him or something?" I gave him and eye twitching death glare, telling him that I won't force him as long as he eats.

A Cracked Mask Made of Stone (Sasuke x depressed Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now