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Okay, welcome to the[...what... practically sixth chapter or something? Sixth right? Yeah, I got it] second part of the third chapter. I hope you enjoy and comment about it. And the 'reward' still stands. It's if you WANT it, you DON'T HAVE to if you don't want to. Anyways, without further adew, I present to you the next part of the third chapter....


Sasuke's POV

I waited for him to answer his phone, but he didn't answer. I called and called, he still didn't answer. Then, when I called him for the fifth time, he answered. "What is it, Sasuke?" I still wasn't really prepared to tell him, but I had to leave out a few things. "So, I'm at Naruto's house and before we got there, we had small problem that made me think he was being bullied. So, as he was walking with a tray of glass cups and food to the living room, I asked him if he was being bullied. He dropped the tray, glass got in his foot. I took care if it, but he's too scared and says that he's really lonely because his family is a on trip and won't be back for a while. And so, he was wondering if I could stay the night." Damn, cracked under pressure. Great. You did a great job at leaving stuff out, me.

He didn't answer for a little bit, I think he was shocked at what I had just said. "Is that him I hear crying in the background? And, is this the same Naruto that you have a crush on?" My face turned a bright red and I just prayed that Naruto didn't hear what my stupid brother just said. "I know what you're thinking, I'm not stupid and I doubt he heard me. But, fine you can stay the night, I'll bring you a bag with some stuff your gonna need for the night."

So, I said okay and sent him Naruto's address. He won't mind if I do that, right? I mean, hey, as long as I stay, right? I looked at him and he looked cute when he was asleep. Well, trying not sleep is what is should say instead. I waited to hear a knock on the door. I waited and waited, then realized that I live a good bit away from here. He also has to bring my bag, he might be here a little later than expected because of that. So, like, twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. Well kinda, it was quiet, but I knew what it was. I grabbed my phone from beside Naruto and texted Itachi, saying the it's unlocked and that we are upstairs in the third room. More like the third door, the other rooms are probably somewhere on this or the first floor.

He came in and set the bag at the foot of the bed. As he walked out, he winked at me. Okay, he DEFINITELY did something. He must've put something in my bag, but I can't leave Naruto here. He gets lonely too quickly. I decided to leave it be until I needed something from it. I hadn't realized that Naruto fell asleep until he snuggled up to me again. Yep, not moving! This is officially the best day of my life! I fell asleep myself sometime later and when I woke, I checked the time and noticed it got late.

Shit! How did it get this late already!? I need to cook dinner since he can't. I slowly got up, but was pulled back down by a sleeping Naruto. I almost fell on him, but I got myself in time. However, now... I was above him. And then, he started waking up. Oh shit.

Naruto's POV

I felt something move the bed and started waking up. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sasuke above me. I felt my face turn red and Sasuke just looked at me and said, "Your face is crimson. That's cute." My face got hotter when he said that. Okay, so how long have we known each other? Wasn't it since, like, two years ago or something? I wasn't paying attention as Sasuke got closer to me.

By the time I realized he was getting closer to me, he was too close for comfort. "Y'know, I've always wanted to do this to you." I felt like my head was gonna explode. Damn he's too close. What do I do!?


So this is the shortest chapter I have ever typed so far and I'm proud because that means that I'd don't have to think or type a lot. So I hope you liked the chapter and want to read more. Feel free to ask me anything if you want to. Have a good day/night! Bai bai!✌️✌️👋👋

(So, some clarification for the words in [], its me talking to my sister while I was typing this. So next chapter will be finished soon and i decided that I'll just post updates for this story whenever I feel like or I get a high demands on it. If you guys/girls/nonbinary weebs have any day or days you would like me to post updates for this story on, then pls tell me)


A Cracked Mask Made of Stone (Sasuke x depressed Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now