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A/N: This is more than likely the last part of the this chapter and it better be because I'm done typing and thinking stuff for the SECOND CHAPTER. I mean, seriously, I'm still on the first secret, when I've already thought of a few other secrets and you guys probably know maybe two or three of them. Anyway, without further adew, I present to you, the third part of the second chapter.


Sasuke's POV

"Hold on!" I grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled it away from his mouth. "Were you about to say nightmares!?" He looked completely terrified. He NEVER looks like that. EVER. He started to shake and looked like as if he was hiding more than just supposed nightmares or something. I looked him dead in the eyes and asked again, "Were you about to say nightmares, Naruto Uzumaki?" And that's when he started to both shake more and look more scared.

If I ever use someone's full name, they know I want either an answer or for them to back off. I wanted answers from Naruto, so I used his full name. Even he has to know what it means when I use someone's full name.

Naruto's POV

SHIT! He used my full name. I'm so fucking screwed that I can almost taste it. I started to panic and my brain can't think under pressure. I don't talk when I'm under pressure either. Why? It's because when I'm under pressure, I say the truth. I've tried many things and I can't get rid of it. If I tell him the truth then I'll be in not only hell deep water. I'll be in ninth level hell deep water.

I could barley speak my reply because I was so scared. "I...night...may..." I could barley finish my sentence, but I think he understood what I was trying to say. How do I know that? Well, that's simple. He hugged me after I said my sorry excuse of a reply. He then said, "I AM gonna be your partner and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. It doesn't matter how many secrets you have, I am going to figure them all out."

I then heard a familiar voice in my head as he let me go. It was Saito's voice. He said, "Let him find out. Please, Naru. Let someone help, I can't bare to see you in pain anymore." At that I couldn't keep composure anymore. Sasuke looked absolutely shocked looking at me and I didn't know why. But, I subconsciously said his name. Not Sasuke's, but Saito's name.

Sasuke's POV

I let him go from our long hug and when I did, he still looked shocked. Then something happened. Is he....crying? It's true, he started to cry and then he said, "Saito.."

Saito...who's that? Is he crying because of this Saito person or is it something else? He kept crying and crying and I didn't know what to do. Before I could think of something, he...hugged me. "Naruto..." Was all I could manage to say. I was surprised and overjoyed that he hugged me. But, the calm and sweet voice that I loved to hear from him is not what I'm now hearing.

He then said, "Big brother..." Wait, is this Saito person his older brother!? Wait...HE HAS A BROTHER!?

Third Person POV

So after that they talked about their projects that they had to do and decided that they would do The Big Book of Art for the reading report and the invention of the car for the science report.

They also decided that they'd do the draft of the projects at Naruto's house. (This should be fun. I pray for Naruto that nothing happens)


Sasuke's POV

I waited for him at the front of the school. The next thing I know, he's running towards me. "Why are you running!?" Then, he gets behind me and that's when I got worried and mad because he looked scared. I HATE it when he looks scared, it makes me want to hurt the person who caused it. Then, I see more people running. It's Sakura and her friends. Aka, my fangirls, they were also running in the same direction that Naruto was.

I quickly grabbed his hand and ran to my car. I had another question for him and I didn't want to deal with those jackass fangirls. "W-wait!" Naruto blurted out. It was kinda cute how he blurted out like that. "What is it?" My fangirls were still running towards us and I REALLY want to get to Naruto's house before they get within ten feet of me, him, and my car. "T-they took m-my art book." The way he talked was so cute, I almost had a nosebleed.

I sighed and told him to get in the car. I started to walk in the direction of my fangirls. They stopped running when they saw me walking towards them. When I was close enough, I asked, "Give it back please. I have things I need to do, so make it quick." Then Sakura walked up and said, "Yup, that's right. I almost forgot about our date." Her talking was enough to piss off.

"Okay, bitch, so here's the thing." They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Give me Naruto's art book or else. Got it dumbasses? Or do I need to dumb down to your level so you understand me?"

Sakura looked pissed and the others looked like they were about to cry. I wish I could film this. Them crying would be the highlight of my day. That is, second to spending time with Naruto. "Why do you care about that sorry excuse for a human being?" Sakura said in that rude ass tone of hers. With that, I punched her and she fell down with that one hit. "Damn, I've seen six year olds hold their own better than you. That's saying something since your to weak to do anything." She looked like she was going to cry, if she was I HAD to film it. All she said was, "Please, at least I'm not as fake as your trust in that thing."  And with that, I replied, "Yeah your right," she looked hopeful until I continued, "Your so fake that you make barbie look real. Now give me the damn book. And also, you should thank me."

"For what?" She asked. "For that hit, it made you look better." I smiled and walked up to one of the other girls and they handed my his book. It seems fine, but if it's not, I can always pay these mother fuckers a visit and make them look more real. All I have to do is hit them repeatedly.

Naruto's POV

Sasuke started walking towards the car. I don't think the girls knew I was in his car because they yelled, "Your gonna get a double beating tomorrow! Got it Uzumaki!?" Sasuke ran back over to the girls and punched one of them. As he walked back, I was really nervous that one, I would get a serious beating to the point where I have wake up really early, and two, something happened to my book.

He got in the car, gave me my undamaged book and smiled at me. Well, if I had a such thing as joy and happiness, then I'd probably blush. And guess what happened. I...blushed. I blushed a light red. Wait! What!? That's not supposed to happen! What's going on!? Am I feeling this way all because he smiled at me!? Questions swarmed my head until something else happened.

Sasuke....kissed my...forehead. (hahahaha! You guys thought they were gonna kiss! Pfft! Hahaha I'm dying!😂😂😂🤣🤣😄😄😆😁😋😋) He leaned in and kissed me on my forehead.

Sasuke's POV

When I gave him his book and smiled at him, he blushed. It was so cute that I couldn't control myself. I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, he blushed a bright red. I kissed him on the cheek and he turned a dark red. Then, I started the car and drove to his house. Of course, I had to ask directions because I had absolutely NO IDEA where he lived.


Sooo, this is the end of the second chapter and I'm so happy I can't even explain it in full words and me typing it is really hrlard because of how fast going.

And I spelt hard wrong. Wow, just wow. I'm almost as impressed as Kuro-sensei when Karma hurt him. Anyway, I hoped you liked it and have a good day/night! Bai bai! 👋👋👋✌️✌️🥰🥰😁😁

(Hello weebs! Bye weebs! See ya next chapter!)

(Btw, my edited A/Ns will be in () from now on, only at the bottom of the chapters tho, in the story is for fun)


A Cracked Mask Made of Stone (Sasuke x depressed Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now