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it's hard. living in a house where you're the only girl. because no one gets why you need oreos, or why you lie in bed seven days a month, or why you need to go shopping every two weeks.

my dad is a businessman so lets not talk about him, he stays out all day. but he's not like usual 'dad's. he's funny and doesnt really care much about what i do or what i don't.

my mom's a model and they two seperated two to three years ago maybe. me and my two brothers live with our dad. idk why, i just had to.

now, if you're wondering, 'alexis, your mom is a model and did you even take time to look at your face?'

i did, i look like my dad okay? my brothers got the looks from my mom. IM SORRY.

i have an eighteen year old older brother who doesnt even know my name i swear. or my age. he plays loud pink floyd music so i hate him for that because that interrupts my arctic monkeys.

i have a little brother who is 12 or 13 idr, he's annoying but i love him anyways. he just swears a lot and blames everything on me which is annoying. but he play fifa with me so i forgive him.

i have two guinea pigs. they are called caramel and vanilla, no wonder i like ice cream. they mean a lot to me and i like to cuddle with them.

this was no better i swear. oh there's a picture of me and my little brother on the side, he was yawning lol.

[ click on the next chapter if you like oreos ]

dedicated to @leahdouglas309

she's amazing and super friendly!! go follow her. or die.

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