my good + bad day

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so i'm going to rant about my day today. it was bad because of one reason and then it was good.

✂ the bitches who ruined it all :

so you must know the mean girls from my school. they started this rumor about me that i kissed luke but i didn't [he's this other guy idek so stupid] and then i threw my coke at regina's head which ruined her precious and fake hair and i got detention for a whole friggin week.

i hate her so much. promise to gang up on her if she ever joins wattpad, kay? that'd never happen because she has no brains. a bitch with no brains. ughh.

and the worst part is...alex pettyfer hanfs out with regina so much. :( they're not going out but they're like bffs or sth.

my life is a movie tbh.

☼ but then.. :

then i texted alex pettyfer! -dundundunnn- we just talked about shakespeare on literature class which was kind of boring. BUT THEN WE TALKED ABOUT THE FOOTBALL MATCH AND HE WANTS ME TO COME SO I WENT LIKE kgwefkjgs,ejfyoiutjuegfljgsdhjegf.kiywig;ludwoihwegf.

i said yes duhh. so thats what happened. tee-hee. i still didnt make friends though.

dedicated to laura because her book is dabomb! check it out or i haunt you in your dreams, and you know how scary my face is. MUAHAHAHAH.

and VOMMENT because hey you! ik you're reading this! so why shut yourself up.

kay bye i need to write an essay about EARTHWORMS YUCK.

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