sammy #samexis

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yo jessey stevens.

okay i just had to do that.

when i ranted about bri, i just had to rant about sammy because that'd be unfair, i love them equally.

so instead of ranting, i'll state some facts -

☀ his name is sam, for samuel not for samantha, he's a guy. i call him sammy because..i want to?

☀ he's 17. kill me someone he's going to drink legal beer after some days and i'll just be like, 'whaaaaat'

☀ i met him first on 2nd grade. i mean i talked to him first on second grade because on drama class he was the prince and i was some sort of slave (thats me yayay) and i started crying because they made me wear chains and he, well, stopped me from crying .. embarassing.

☀ his hair is black (idk idk idk) and his eyes are like REAL CAT EYES HOW AWESOME IS THAT SGFJGFLIUGF

☀ no im not crushing on him, stating the facts yo.

☀ we created our own rap song, recorded it, DIDNT write down the lyrics, and well, lost the recording, lost the song, lost the fame-we-were-about-to-get

☀ once we rode on a roller coaster thats 18+ and didnt die but we both showed up at the hospital the next day

☀  one day we saved a cat called xeus together, i can never forget how we fell off the ladder and broke our elbows.

☀ he loves cheesecake. he ate my thanksgiving cheesecake. ihs.

☀ he's coming to california, moving to california, in april (!!!) only bri's missing.


i should really stop matching everyone's faces with a celebrity's ..

so these are your facts sammy, you can kill me later no prob. cx


anyways, ship #samexis because we're kewlz. (178 shippers. WHOA. o.0)

picture of jessey stevens to the side because i dont have any selfies with sammy in my new phone and im too lazy to open the computer ---


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