this world sucks

63 4 6

it sucks.

it sucks to be enemies with the most popular girl at school.

it sucks to have no friends.

it sucks to be lonely.

it sucks that suburgatory is over.

is sucks that i dont know what happened after tessa and ryan had sex and tessa went to her moms.

it sucks that i dont have food around me and im literally starving.

it sucks that im so good at sounding happy.

it sucks that i sound so unhappy.

it sucks that im losing my acting skills.

it sucks that im a girl.

it sucks that im not a boy.

it sucks that i dont have a bf

it sucks that the selfie to the side shows how exactly i feel right now.

it sucks that im writing this.

okay bye.

. . .

wtf delete.

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