Caught In The Act

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"Get away from there! You need to - "


I woke up and found out I fell asleep lying my head on the table (I didn't get up from my chair though. It was comfy.) Wait - didn't I leave the barn last night? What happened last night, anyway? I remember going in and chatting with - 

Oh wait.


I bolted straight up in my seat. I turned my head and looked at ... at ... at him. Still in recharge. Still leaning his head on the barn wall, just like last night. Last night.

I put my hand to my lips just to check if they were still there. They didn't fall off while I sang last night, right? Yeah. Yeah, they were still there.

I slowly got up from my chair. Why did I do this? Why did I agree to stay? Dad's going to be so mad at me. So mad...

Cautiously looking around, I stood up from my seat as quietly as I could, (it was harder than you'd think; the chair itself was already old - it couldn't help but creek.) ran to the door, and went out. A sigh of relief escape my lips, and my shoulders loosen. I went into the house. 

I got in my room and went into the bathroom in there, then I washed my face with soap and water. I looked at the mirror and saw something shiny on the side of my neck.

"The frag?" I said as I looked closer. It looks so familiar.

It was an Autobot insignia.

Don't. Freak. Out. Okay, Ky? Okay.

That definitely wasn't there before. Did it grow on me overnight or something? That couldn't possibly have happened.

Alright. No big deal. I'll just turn my hair into a braid and put it over my shoulder. There. Now Dad, Tessa, and/or Lucas won't notice. Everything's good, everything's fantastic. 

Then why do I feel like something is wrong?

I changed into a black Starbucks shirt and ripped jeans, then headed back out. Maybe I could borrow a pair of boots from Tessa...

...who was standing at the doorway, blocking my exit, crossing her arms.

"Where were you?" She asked. She was mad.

"I. Um." I tried changing the subject. "Can I borrow a pair of your boots today? I promise I'll return them later."

"Where were you?" She asked again, stepping towards me. 

"Is that a yes or a no to the boots?"


"Alright, alright. I slept - accidentally slept - in the barn last night. Don't worry, I'm fine. I've freshened up and I'm ready to start my day. Can I borrow those boots now?"

She ughed, said yes, went out then came back with a pair of dark brown boots. She never gave me any other pair than that when I asked her.

"Thanks," I said as she stomped out. I slipped the boots on and went out, too. Tessa was standing over the sink.

"I can't have you acting like Dad," Tessa said, not quite turned to face me. "then we could get double broke. And that would suck. Right?"

"Right." I agreed.

"So don't do that again." 


 "Don't follow in Dad's footsteps, Ky. It's not good."

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