A Surprise Brought Home

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"Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them, as my soul."

I never saw that man again, unfortunately. Never got to tell him 'Thank you.'

It's been months since then, and I've read the book millions of times. I'm just glad no one has found out about this yet, or I'll be fragged.

Dad and Lucas are out doing something. Their probably out buying some stuff with our leftover money. I'm seriously hoping we're not gonna go broke, or else we will have a big problem on our hands. Who's going to make money? How will we get food?  Will Dad ever have enough to invent again? Stuff like that. 

Tessa's room is right next to mine. She downstairs right now though, making food. She was the chef of the house. Part of me always thinks she's the mother of the house, balancing checkbooks and trying to handle financial things. She would always shrug it off when I talked about it to her.

It was eleven thirty. Lunch time. The smell of food greeted me as I headed down to the kitchen. I unconsciously left my book - Calm Before The Storm - back in my room, so I was glad for that. I can't get caught, because nobody went into my room. Ever.

"Hey," Tessa said as she laid the plates with food down on the table. "Made you some fish."

"Smells great," I said. "Aren't you suppose to be in school or something?"

"We got a day off. Actually, a week off. Our homeroom teacher insisted."

"Great. " I did not know what high school was like, though. I dropped out in elementary since everyone bullied me about my blind eye. I always hid it under my hair ever since. Now I'm homeschooled by my dad.

I sat down, prayed, and ate the food. Tessa joined me, and we talked about things like our family and lives.

"So, how's Shane?" I asked.

"He's great, last time I heard him. I'm planning to talk to him a bit later."

I nodded. 

"What do you think dad is gonna buy this time?" she asked.

"Probably something he can sell. Or something he can use to invent somthing new."

"Okay then. You done yet?"

I nodded and she took her plate and mine and put it in the sink. I muttered a "Thanks" and went back upstairs to my room. I took out my. . . wait for it. . . diary (Yeah, diary. Beyond the tomboy person I am I can be a bit girlish. So what?) and started writing in it. I didn't write in it much. I was forgetful.

Journal Entry #3

Hi me. Or you. I don't really know. I guess that's something to think about, isn't it? Anyway, I'm just going to refer to this as you. There, we're settled.

Okay, now we can continue. So Dad's out again. Probably buying something new. Technically, something old. But that something old is something new to us. So it's new. Right? I think that makes sense. 

Alright. I want to talk about those Transformers this time. Why are they hunted down when they saved our planet? Now that I think of it, why do the Autobots keep saving Humanity? We're weird, disgusting, and down right terrible. But they still help us. They're kind and strong. I really want to be like them someday. I think I might've gotten the kind part down, but the strong part. . . not so much.

Maybe that man has met one of them before. That's why he wanted to give me that book, to tell everyone that they shouldn't hate the Autobots. That we should help them all we can.

Then again, most people only know them as "alien robots."

They don't know the truth. They don't know about the two sides, the history, why exactly they're here on Earth. What happened to their home planet.

I want to thank that man. I want to thank him for the book. For showing me the truth. He might be dead, now that I think about it. I hope he's not. He was kind. And he probably still is.

I wonder which Autobots are still out there. Is their leader still alive and kicking? Please tell me he is. Him being the leader, he's probably the most targeted one. 

He probably hates humans now.

It would be likely. I mean, wouldn't you hate the ones who are killing all your friends, leaving nothing behind? You can't blame him. You'd be like that, too. There won't be much room for forgiveness. 

And for the Autobots, there isn't very much room for hope.

"Kyrie?" I heard Tessa say. The walls weren't soundproof. 


"Come here."


I got up and went to Tessa's room. She was standing in front of a mirror, looking at herself. I walked to her side. Her room was much better than mine - not that it mattered, because it really didn't.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I want to look good for Shane."

"Well, I  can't help you there. I know nothing about him or fashion, as you can see."

"Yeah, but you're the only other person in the house."

"Try less clothing."

"He's not that kind of person."

"Sorry. Just comb your hair and make it look nice. Your clothes are already great."


I walked out and went back to my room. I heard Shane's voice from her computer. Something like "You want me to take my shirt off" or whatever, I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying to write in my diary again.

As I was sayi-

"THE HELL?!" I heard Tessa shout.

"What's wrong?!" I shouted back.


I went over to the window and looked out. Dad was back and so was Lucas, and Dad was commanding a towtruck where to park. I was confused, but then I saw what it was towing. Dad has never bought something as big as this, not that I can remember, at least. I was the opposite of Tessa, of course, since she was pissed. Probably because we're broke. 

But I was excited. Dad has never gotten this before, nothing as big as this. Just a few metal parts and tools. But today. . . 

Cade brought home a truck.

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