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"It doesn't work like that."


"Hey cyclops," Savoy said. The officers surrounded me, and I kept trying to figure out how to kill them all without letting one of mine die. "Where's the truck?"

Like I'd ever tell you.

"Negative." I responded. I'd be surprised of my own voice, but I honestly don't really care. Not now. 

He didn't seem to care, either. "Where?"

"Get." I was going to explode. Any minute now. "Fragged."

Savoy sighed. "Sorry, Miss Slay." He said smugly. "But I guess that means you have to die now."

He raised his gun and pulled the trigger. I felt this excruciating pain in my side, and I felt the need to scream, but I didn't. Because Tes was right there, watching with wide eyes as tears rolled down her face, scarred enough.

I fall to the ground. The softness of the grass comforted me, like I was just in my bed sleeping. But that may never happen again.

- 3rd Person View -

"Here I am!" Optimus shouted, shooting at every government agent he saw.

His optics glance over at the body of Kyrie, who had Cade beside it - no, her - crying his eyes out. He looks at him, and Optimus expected anger in them, but there wasn't any. It was just deep sorrow in them. His would've had, too, but a Prime had to keep his emotions check.

"Cade!" He shouted. "They're going to kill you! Get out of here!"

He nodded and picked up Kyrie bridal style, and ran away from the action. Tessa and Lucas followed him.

Cade felt Tessa grab his shoulder, and he looked back at her. Her eyes were red and tears ran down her face. Cade looked away.

A sports car drove up and the doors opened. The man shouted at them to get in, and Tessa got the body of Kyrie, cradling it as she sat down in the back. Lucas sat beside her there, and Cade rode shotgun.

The wound, it seemed, had stopped bleeding. But whether or not it had been bleeding, Tessa still would've held Kyrie close to her chest, in this way that it seemed like she was just sitting on Tessa's lap, sleeping like a child.

 - Kyrie/Maria's Point of View - 

"Hello?" I shouted out for anyone to hear me. It was an endless field of tall green grass (reaches up to my knee) and a few trees here and there. Nothing else.

Where was I?

I looked down at myself, and I see that I'm still wearing the same clothes. My side was stained red, though. Am I dead?

"No, child." A voice said. Female. "You are not."

I turn around and saw a woman. She had brown hair and emerald eyes. She was deathly pale and seemed to flicker every now and then. Well, her soul did.

"Oh, my little Maria," She said, stepping closer. She put her hands on the sides of my head. "It's so nice to see you again. And - oh my gosh, look at your hair! Oh, you look so beautiful, sweetie."

"What?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "I don't understand. Who..."

I trailed off as sadness swept over her. She stepped back, her hands falling to her sides. The sorrow on her face made her seem more...dead, really. 

"Do you remember the Battle of Chicago?"

I nodded. 

"Well, um, that's where you were born. And - and when you were four, I - your parents and aunt died. I'm - I'm, well, I'm also dead, and - oh, I don't know. Maybe it would be easier for you to just see."

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