A story i want to share with you guys (Sorry, not an update)

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I'm sorry it's not a new chapter, but something happened today and I REALLY want to share it with you guys.

So here I was: walking down the street of my compound with my friends just goofing around, and then I see it.

There's a truck just sitting there, on the side of the road. A TRUCK.

It looked JUST LIKE OP.

It even had a little Autobot symbol on the front and I just eeeeeeeeeeeee....

So I just stop walking and I stare at the truck. (And, remembering that conversation I had with a friend -you know who you are :3- I checked if there was anyone in the vicinity holding a bat.)

And it went like this:

Me: *stops and stares*

Guy friend: *stops goofing around and looks at me* Hey, you okay?

Me: It's...It's...

Best Frenemie: What? SPIT IT OUT DUDE

Guy friend: *looks in the direction I'm looking* HOLY **** ITS OPTIMUS

Best Frenemie: Oh hey.

Me: Mighty Allspark.


Best Frenemie: .-. And he's parking at the side of the road too.

Me: *speechless*


Best Frenemie: Okaaaay, let's go *drags me away by the arm*

Guy Friend: NO WAIT *takes out phone and takes a picture* Okay!

Me: Send me the photo pleaaase

Best Frenemie: 😑 you guys are way too obsessed

Okay! That's it. My friend hasn't sent me the picture yet, and I'm pretty sure he's just going to blackmail me with it instead of showing it to me .-. Friends.

I am currently working on the next chappy, don't worry! It should be up in a few days at the most. (Sorry for such slow updates.)

Also, I'm working on another story, too. Transformers Prime! I'll probably post it after I finish this, so stay tuned!

- lookingforautobots

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