Love and Memories Disguised As Dreams

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"What if you had some human help?"


After all that's happened, it's safe to say everything feels the same.

Except for the giant Cybertronian in the barn. But you don't see me complaining, do you? No. I'm completely fine with everything that's happened. Tessa, on the other hand, isn't so good. But she's another issue.

So there I am, standing on Optimus's shoulder, trying to fix the helm since it broke off a while - actually just a few minutes - ago. Dad was out doing...something, not so sure. Maybe trying to calm Tessa down. That would make a lot of sense - she threw a hissy fit once she was out of Prime's sight.

"So," I said. "Do you know where the others are?"

He sighed. "Not at the moment. I do not seem to be getting any of their signals."

"Oh, um, we could try and fix that, too. Just give me a second here - "

"Kyrie?" He asked. 


"How do you know about us? How did you know...about me? That information was hidden from the public."

"There are books about you guys. They're banned now by the government, but I was able to get one of them. Nobody know about it."

"You kept it a secret from your own family?"

"Yeah - I mean, I had to. They would report me and I'd end up in prison, or worse. I'd be dead. Apparently you get money if you do that. And we're a little low on that, so...yeah."

 "I do not believe they would do that to you, Kyrie. Especially since I have seen they way you act with them."

I smiled softly. "Yeah," I whispered. I don't think I had the courage to speak up anymore. You can only talk to the one you've dreamed of meeting for so long until it all turns into breath. "But you can't take too big of a risk in this place. I could wind up getting killed, you know."

We just stopped talking after that. I think I made it awkward - what am I saying? It was always awkward, ever since the beginning. I'm so bad at socializing, I can't even make friends with a being from outer space.

I finished with the helm, jumped onto the stairs that Dad conveniently left, and got down. I went over to the table full of tools and whatever, and leaned on it. I was pretending to be examining the stuff, but that wasn't it. I needed a moment to process everything that just happened and is happening. My stomach hurt real bad, it was like all the organs that were there were twisting itself in knots. 

Here's the deal - after I read Calm Before The Storm a few times, I got a little - okay, not a little  - crush-itis for the leader. And now we're talking in the barn. Oh man, I think I might puke.

"Kyrie," Optimus said softly. "What...what are you thinking?"

What was I thinking? I was wondering whether I could live without my intestines. (Still hurt.) (Also, why does everyone talk about the heart and whatever? Sure, my heart either pounds faster or skips a beat, but almost everything happened in my stomach.)

"I'm thinking about...the others." I admitted. "The rest of the Autobots. I'm, well, I'm just really scared about them."

I heard Optimus sigh. "Kyrie, look at me."

I did.

"I believe they are still alive somewhere, gathering up. I believe they are holding off against the enemies as best as they can."


"And that," he continued. "We will see each other again."

I smiled. "Okay."

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