A Hint Of Guilt

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The song/s won't be in this one, still in the future chapters. I gots me a surprise for y'all ;) 




"We don't have one." I responded immediately.

Savoy - aka, Mr. Dickhead - looked directly at me. "I see you've been taking care of her." He said to Dad, not taking his eyes of me. Creeper much? "How've you been doing, Miss Slay?"

Who the Pit is "Miss Slay"? Eh, whatever. I do wish I had that surname, though. It sounds tough.

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person." I said. "My name is Kyrie. Kyrie Yeager. Daughter of that guy over there."

Dad had this really small frown on his face. If it were anybody else, they wouldn't have noticed. But I did. And it made me feel uneasy, like what I just said was wrong. How is what I said wrong?

"I'm sorry," Savoy replied with a smirk on his face. "That Mr. Yeager took the doctor's advice and didn't tell you the truth. See, Miss Slay, I did some research on this family. What I found out is that the Yeagers only had one child, named 'Tessa Yeager.' They are also taking care of her cousin, Maria Katherine Slay. There is no person named Kyrie - "

"Enough," Dad cut him off. "Look, that's not the issue, okay? We don't have to talk about this."


Dad. Dad, you're my dad, right? Of course you're my dad, Dad. I don't think I'm saying it enough. Dad. Dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad.

Savoy smirked. (Him and his smirks. We've only met them for a few minutes, and we already hate them with a fiery passion. Or maybe it's just me.) "The concerned caller." Savoy said to him, changing the subject. "That wasn't you?"

"The only thing I'm concerned about," Dad said. "is you being on my property without permission."

"I think I'm concerned about much more than that." I said. Which was true. I'm concerned about what Savoy said. I'm concerned about Optimus. I'm concerned about who made that call. Dad glanced at me, and then continued.

You know, we got a rule about messin' with people from Texas. And I don't know what truck you're talking about - "

"Kind that cost American lives." Savoy cut him off. Then to everyone else: "Search the property!"

"You can't 'search the property'!" I yelled at him. "You don't have a warrant! Or...whatever!"

He looked so serious at me that I almost shrank back. But I didn't, because I had to be brave. For this moment at least. "My face," he said. "is my warrant."

I will strangle him one day. I will do it once I have the chance. It will be slow, painful. And he will die, silently, inaudibly. I will do much more if he finds out about Optimus. Much more.

Because I have no reason to live my life if he loses his.

Besides revenge.

What I heard Lucas say did not help, either.

"Yeah, but if you do find the truck, we get a reward, right?"

No. No, we're not. Because the government lies. It lies on a daily basis. It lies to us, the ones they're protecting, for their own wants. We will not get a reward. No one will ever get a reward, damnit! Lucas, get. It. In. Your. Head.

And then dad looks at me in a strange way. He's confused, scared, terrified. Of what? Me? Of course not. There's nothing terrifying or scary about me.

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