|Chapter 12|

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cue the "sorry for not updating" paragraph ahh

basically i'm sorry but enjoy


It had only been maybe 20 minutes since my conversation with the Water Tribe boy ended, but the sun had gone down a surprising amount. It was still bright out, but the sun shone from just above the treetops, rather than its rays beating down on me from the highest point in the sky.

Sokka had since left to check up on Aang and Katara.

I sat with my back against a cool stone pillar. The air was warm but I could feel low waves of cold air billow out from the open room near me.

A small chirping noise broke me out of my empty trance. I heard the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps on the stone floor.

I should sit still.

Zuko said wild animals are bad news.

He told you that when you were 6, Y/n. He's not even here.

"Hello?" I stupidly waited for a response. From an animal.

Out of the shadows crept a small furball, their big eyes peering at me curiously. I loosened my shoulders and let my muscles relax.

What a cutie!

"Hey there, little guy." I couched down to look at him better. He tilted his head, his ears perking up at the sound of my voice. With his ears pointing up, I got a better view of his features.

A lemur.

I reached my hand out to the little lemur, and he moved closer, sniffing my palm hesitantly.

I held still, not wanting to scare the cutie off. He crept closer before rubbing his head against my hand. I moved to pet him and he snuggled closer to me.

A smile graced my face.

"Hey there buddy. Do you have any friends around here?" The lemur only tilted his head at me, seemingly confused.

I sighed and pulled the lemur towards my chest, him resting on one of my hands as I pet him with the other. "Aang will love to meet you. Appa too."

The lemur chirped and snuggled closer to my chest. I giggled quietly as his fur tickled my chin.

My stomach growled, startling the furball. I sighed realizing I hadn't eaten since the night before, and nobody had thought to wake me up for breakfast.

He looked at me again before running off. Frowning and disappointed at the loss of my new friend, I sat back down against the pillar, my arms wrapped around myself.

Soon enough I heard the same pitter-patter and chirping again. I looked up and there sat the lemur, right in front of me, surrounded by various fruits.

I blinked and looked at him "Uh," He tilted his head at me. "Th-thanks buddy." I pet him between his ears and he purred and chirped.

I wonder if the others will let me keep him.

"I guess you need a name, don't you?" He just kept nuzzling my hand with his head before turning around and picking up a moon peach and placing it in my hand. I pet him again and he purred.

I took a bite of the peach. This guy really likes me, huh?

I looked to the peach in my hand, and up at the lemur in my lap.


(Momo is the Japanese word for peach! Aang named him for the peach he gave him! :))

After a while of silence filled with Momo's chattering, Katara walked to me.

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