|Chapter 4|

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I watched Sokka as he attempted to train the children of the village. He wore a stern expression on his face, his hands clasped behind his back. He paced back and forth as he talked, "Now men, it's important that you show no fear when you face a firebender." Sokka pulled his club, seemingly out of nowhere, and held it high proudly. "In the Water Tribe, we fight to the last man standing! For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?" He clenched his fist dramatically.

I looked to his audience to see six uninterested little boys. One of them waved his hand in the air, a look of desperation on his face. "I gotta pee! "

Sokka's face twisted in annoyance and frustration. He opened his mouth, no doubt to lecture them on the lack of manliness that came with potty breaks, but I interrupted him.

"A warrior takes potty breaks before battle to prevent... mishaps." I picked up a spear that was sticking out of the snow. "That means they also go potty before training. It's more efficient that way. There's nothing wrong with potty breaks, but you should take them before your 'general' starts giving orders." I smiled slightly at them, the small children melting my icy barrier.

Sokka glared, angry at me for interrupting him. "I could have handled that just fine!" I flinched at his volume. The water tribe boys had already left, heading towards the bathroom.

He forcefully grabbed the spear from my hands. "Give me that!" He snarled, his deadly stare directed right at me. "What would you know? You're just some Fire Nation brat!" I shrunk from the boy, his figure looming over me. I closed my eyes, almost ready for him to hit me but he didn't. I slowly opened them to see Sokka turned away from me, watching as his sister ran up to us. I hadn't even heard her call.

"Have you two seen Aang? Gran-Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago!" I took deep breaths, trying to calm my heartbeat before speaking.

My reply came out shakier than I meant it to. "I-I haven't seen him in-n a while."

Sokka turned and eyed me with one brow raised, "That stutter sounded suspicious to me."

Katara spoke up for me. "She seems more shook up than suspicious. Did something happen? Are you okay?"

I nodded, scared of what Sokka might do if I ratted him out. It didn't matter if Sokka had no experience in fighting. It didn't matter if he could bend or not. When he yelled at me my brain had already made the connection between him and my sister. The young boy somehow terrified me.

Katara looked unsure, "Oh, alright then."

Aang walked out of an igloo behind her, adjusting his pants. "Wow! Everything freezes in there!" The little boys who had been waiting their turn giggled at the Airbender.

Sokka on the other hand was unamused. "Uh!" He pointed angrily at Aang. "Katara, get him out of here! This lesson is for warriors only!" Sokka was about to walk away when he heard the sound of playing children.

He turns around to see the village children sliding down Appa's tail like a slide. The end was propped up on the blunt end of a spear in such a fashion that they went flying into the air when they rode down. Katara laughed as a boy landed head-first in the snow. I remember when I was that carefree. I hadn't had fun like that since before my bending lessons.

Sokka rushed forward. "Stop! Stop it right now!" The laughter of the children is stifled immediately and Appa turns his head to look at Sokka, who accusingly directs his anger to Aang. "What's wrong with you?! We don't have time for fun and games with the War going on!"

Sokka takes back his spear and casts an annoyed glance at the laughing children who run past him.

Aang slid down from his seat on Appa's head. "What war? What are you talking about?"

Sokka raised his eyebrow again. "You're kidding, right?"

Aang looked questioningly at Sokka before changing his expression to an extremely excited one. "Penguin!" He exclaimed. The penguin, startled by Aang's outburst, quickly waddled away. The young Airbender ran after it, smiling wide. He sprinted past the three of us, speeding himself up with his airbending. His speed and bending combined created deep tracks in the snow.

Katara ran after him, and I was left with Sokka again. We stood in silence for a while. I could only hear the whistling of the wind and cheerful sounds of the children playing.

We stood there for a long while. Sokka only glared at me, clutching his boomerang tightly in his hand. He was still very cautious of me. I was too scared to speak up. He just looked so angry.

It seemed neither of us had to speak though. Something else broke the silence.

In the distance a Fire Nation flare was shot high into the sky and exploded with a deafening boom.

I froze.


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