|Chapter 8|

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This chapter kept on publishing while I was editing it was so annoying I'm sorry :(


Appa circled Zukos ship, Katara and Sokka mounted on his saddle. Aang looked up and wore a huge smile, happy to see his best friend.

"Appa!" He turned around to face Zuko and spun his glider around like a baton, extinguishing Zuko's flames. In doing so, he accidentally propelled himself upwards, landing rather gracefully on the deck above. He leaned precariously over the side, unsteadily balancing himself, but managed to regain his balance.

Zuko fired another blast at him. He twirled his glider again to deflect the attack. Two more blasts were fired his way before he lost his grip on his glider and it sounds away from his grasp. The staff fell several feet away. Aang ducked, spun and leapt out of the way of blasts and lands on the very edge of the ledge, struggling to keep his balance. Zuko hurled more fire blasts his way. The younger boy held up his hands in defense, but the last blast seemingly knocked him out cold. He fell backward off the ship and into the water, sinking from view.

Katara screamed his name, horrified. Sokka only stared as she called the boy's name over and over. Everything seemed to stop.

Suddenly Aang shot up, encased in a swirling vortex of water. His eyes and tattoos were white, glowing a eerie blue color.

He moved towards the ship, an angry frown on his face. Zukos looked up in horror as Aang landed on the deck, sending a huge wave of water out. It knocked all the people on deck to the ground, and Zuko fell off the side of the ship, shouting in surprise.

Sokka and Katara leaned over the side of Appa's saddle watching in shock. Katara's jaw was dropped, "Did you see what he just did?!"

Sokka seemed impressed. "Now that was some waterbending!"

Aang collapsed to the deck in exhaustion, the glow of his tattoos fading away. Appa let out a growl and landed gently onto the ship deck. Katara and Sokka slid down and quickly ran toward the unconscious Avatar.

"Aang! Are you okay?" Katara knelt down, cradling Aang's head in her lap.

Sokka follower close behind. "Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka" Aang croaked weakly. "Thanks for coming."

Sokka grinned. "Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory." Everyone grinned at that.

"I dropped my staff."

"Got it!" Sokka ran over to grab Aang's glider only to see Zuko's hand firmly gripping the other end. He attempted to pull himself upward onto the deck, but Sokka poked him repeatedly in the head with the end of the glider. Zuko grunted and fell backward as he let go of the staff. He fell off the side of the ship, but managed to grasp the anchor chain.

Sokka called out triumphantly, "Ha! That's from the Water Tribe!"


It was rather quiet until Aang spoke up. "Where's Y/n? Sokka and Katara looked at each other guiltily.

"We left her with the tribe." Katara ran her hands over Appa's saddle, "We thought it would be better for her. She seemed pretty anxious." Aang's eyes were wide like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah. She also seemed kinda weak-" Sokka was cut off.

"I don't think she's weak. You guys really didn't notice?" Sokka and Katara looked to the air bender with questioning looks. "She didn't seem weak. She seemed traumatized."

The siblings looked down, contemplating Aang's words. "She couldn't be... could she?" Sokka felt horrible. He had treated her so badly. When she cried before, Sokka thought she was trying to look weak for Katara's sympathy. Maybe she wasn't, though. He had triggered something inside her. She had a panic attack.

He had scoffed.

"No, I think he's right, Sokka." She looked up, hand still fidgeting with the fibers of Appa's saddle. "When we found her she was freezing. I didn't have extra clothes on hand, so I just washed and dried her's." Katara's hands shook a little as she spoke. "When I took off her clothes... She was covered in scars. Burns, cuts, tears in her skin. They were everywhere."

It was true. Y/n had scars up her arms, legs, and back. Most weren't nearly as large or severe as her brother's. She had small nicks and divets in her skin, red burn marks, and scars that almost looked bruise-like. Most were fairly small and light. Not all of them, though. "One of them... A burn wrapped from her shoulder blade almost to her belly-button. I cant imagine what caused it."

"That's..." Sokka buried his face in his hands. "Spirits, I talked so much shit about being Fire Nation to her." He now realized how badly she must have wanted to start over. To forget about where she came from. And what did he do? All he did was yell at her and spit in her face as she cried. Sobbed.

Aang tugged on Appa's reigns a bit, redirecting him. "We need to go back for her."

Sokka and Katara exchanged another guilty look, but nodded at him.

Katara's sighed. "I wonder how the village is treating her."

Aang looked back over his shoulder towards the younger sibling. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we don't have the best experience with fire benders and I noticed a lot of people glaring at her while we were there. I don't doubt they would do worse if we weren't there."

Silence fell upon the trio once again as they flew South, their hair and clothes fluttering with the wind.


I had stared off into the horizon for quite some time. I wasn't exactly thinking, just staring rather numbly.

Two tugs could be felt on my sleeves, and I looked down to see two pairs of clear blue eyes looking up at me.

I had never liked the color blue.

To many it was a calming color. The cool color somehow brought a comforting warmth to people. Not me.

Blue was the color of the beautiful hand-painted tea set my uncle sent me from his time fighting in the war. Azula had shattered it to pieces the night it was delivered. I never got to drink from a single cup.

Blue was the color of one of the last paper butterflies I had ever given. It was a gift to Azula. She had ripped the head from one of my dolls, and I thought she was upset with me. It was an apology. Oddly, she had accepted the gift.

Blue was the color of the bracelet I wore the day I discovered I would never be a powerful bender. I never wore it again.

Blue was the color of hot flames burning though my clothes and skin, marring my flesh into a deep red color. Blue traveled from my sister's hands and into my body in a sickeningly painful way.

But strangely, in that moment, I couldn't think of any of that. I looked into the twin's beautiful blue eyes, and felt comforted.

"Don't be sad, Y/n." Tulia pleaded, tugging at my sleeve harder. "Katara and Sokka will be back for you. They couldn't leave anybody." She let go of my sleeve and hugged my legs, face buried in my waist.

Tolra sniffed from the cold, "Yeah but you still gotta teach me to fight! Then you can go fight the bad guys with Aang!"

I smiled at them, their presence alone warming my heart.

"Alright, alright. I'll teach you soon. But first, do you have any paper?"

The twins looked at me confused, "Paper?" They asked in unison.

I smiled gently at them, stroking their hair with my hands. "First I want to teach you both how to make something."


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