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Ursa cradled her child, and a peaceful smile graced her face. At that moment she felt nothing but love and pride. She only sat there, rocking her newborn back and forth. She was calm.

They stayed like that for a long while. Everything was peaceful.

Only the crackling of the fire in the hearth and the quiet breathing of mother and daughter could be heard throughout the room.

Until the door opened.

In walked Ozai, followed by a man clad in Fire Nation colors. He had a long grey beard and broad shoulders.

The Firelord was the first to speak, "Ursa, this is Shiru Lee, the fortune teller."

Ursa lowered her guard with his explanation, a bit hesitant to do so. She allowed the man to walk closer.

He placed three fingers on the child's head and closed his eyes. He stayed like that for a bit, unmoving.

When he opened his eyes he smiled and took a step back, clasping his hands together behind his back.

"Congratulations, Firelord Ozai." Shiru Lee spoke calmly, "Your daughter not only possesses the ability to bend, but she will be very powerful and successful. I believe she will be one of the main factors in ending the war."

Ozai only dismissed the fortune teller, a rare smile on his face.


Y/n was a cheerful child. Her face seldom held a frown, especially when with her brother. She loved to be around people and people loved to be around her. It filled Ozai with a sense of pride knowing that his daughter would soon win the war.

Y/n was with Zuko, feeding the turtle ducks. "When do you think I'll start learning to firebend, Zuzu?" She questioned her big brother.

"I'm dunno, N/n. (nickname) Probably soon. I started training when I was your age."

Another voice spoke from behind them, catching them off guard. "Actually, your father wants me to begin teaching you today!" Y/n turned around, e/c (eye color) eyes twinkling.

"Uncle!" The young girl screeched with delight, running to hug Iroh. He welcomed her with open arms, and Zuko joined the hug soon after.

Y/n's smile was pulled ear to ear. "Is it true? Can you really teach me? Today?" The young princess was practically hopping with excitement.

Iroh let out a hearty chuckle. "Of course!" Her smile widened even further, if possible. Iroh was glad to spend moments like these with his family. He knew he would be going off to war soon.

She squealed with happiness, "Oh, can we have some tea too?" Her uncle laughed and reassured her that they would indeed be able to have some tea. He was glad he was rubbing off on her. Tea just didn't seem to bring the same excitement to Zuko or Azula as it did to their sister.

"Let's begin then!"


The elder princess sat on her bed, back facing her brother. He sat behind her tending to her wounds. She clenched her jaw anytime he touched one of the burns. She only flinched, no audible reaction found.

Y/n's frown grew as she thought back to the day it had all began. She had been so excited to finally learn to bend. Her uncle had walked her through every exercise and it all went well.

Until she had to actually bend the fire, that is. Y/n tried and tried, but she still couldn't do it. Iroh told her that it was normal to not get it at first. She was very patient with herself. That is until it had been weeks since her first lesson and she could just barely light a candle.

Many lessons passed by and she was labeled weak by her father. Her sister had already begun her lessons and long since surpassed her after a few days of training.

Y/n was nothing but a failure.

A disgrace to the Fire Nation.

All she had left at this point was Zuko and Iroh.

Zuko spoke up, shaking the princess from her thoughts. "Something happened at the meeting today." This confused Y/n.

"What do you mean, Zuzu?" She turned around to face him, and he started cleaning the wound on the side of her abdomen. It was about the size of a hand, inflicted by a hot blue flame.

"I... I spoke out of turn. What they were going to do was wrong. I couldn't let them sacrifice them-" Y/n cut him off with a hug. Some pain shot through her as her back moved, but she paid no mind. She rubbed the back of his neck in a motherly fashion.

"It's alright, Zuzu. What happened next?" He hugged her back, smiling into her hair as he thought of her resemblance to their mother.

"My comment was an insult to the Firelord. I'll be fighting the general in an Agni Kai tonight."

Y/n hugged him tighter then pulled back, "Oh Zuzu..." She trailed off, tears brimming in her eyes, "You insulted father. You won't be fighting the general."

Zuko froze, only now realizing the true consequences of his actions. Y/n leaned in in an attempt to cup his face, trying to comfort him. He only turned his head, avoiding her touch. She felt a tug in her heart and looked down at her lap.

He stood and walked out the door, leaving his sister to finish tending to her burns herself.



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