|Chapter 3|

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There was an akward tension in the air. I laid still on the fur mat, trying to ignore the feeling of eyes burning into my head. The two siblings I had met were out fishing, but Sokka wouldn't let me be left alone. It was quiet. It stayed like this for a while. Silence. Staring. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I broke the silence.

"So, what's your name?" I had warmed up enough that I was now able to speak.

"Everyone just calls me Gran-Gran." I expected her tone to be a lot harsher than it was. The boy from earlier seemed so angry just from the sight of me, but the kind old woman seemed so calm. "My granddaughter told me your name. (Y/n), is it?"

"Yes, that's me." My voice was clear, no longer stuttering. It had returned to its regular monotone sound.

"Tell me, (Y/n), how did you end up in the middle of the South Pole?"

I paused, unsure of where to begin. How much could I tell this woman? How well could I trust her? Why should she trust me?

"I... I was traveling with my brother and uncle." I was careful to choose my words. I decided I would tell them most of the truth but leave out The details on who exactly my family was. "Thay wanted very different things for me. I decided to leave them and start again."

Gran-gran paused for a moment, thinking about what I had said. "You seem regretful."

My eyes met her's. "How so? I'm proud of my decision."

"Did you say goodbye?" I looked back down, brows furrowed in thought. It was true, I didn't bid them farewell. Not a verbal one, at least. As I had been folding the butterflies, I had no doubt in my mind that it was the right decision to leave. I hadn't gifted a butterfly in so many years. I was sure they would understand that I had left for a good reason and I still loved them. Looking back I knew my uncle would understand. Zuko, not so much. I was one of the only things he had left. I knew he still partially thought of Uncle Iroh as a crazy old man. Zuko was much closer with me.

I had no idea what he was doing or thinking at the moment and that somewhat terrified me. I didn't want him to blame himself.

"Not verbally... I left them gifts. I thought that would get my message across but now I'm not so sure."

"Well I believe they'll understand. If they truly love you, they won't be angry with you."

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried my brother will blame himself... He was rather angry the night I left and I don't want him to think he scared me away." Gran-Gran raised an eyebrow at me.

"You don't seem to be scared easily." Apparently my strong façade was better than I thought. "You seem confident. Not showing emotion. Or is that just what you want others to see?"

I sighed, dissapointed someone had seen through me so easily. "I had a... difficult childhood. It changed me in ways I can't explain."

The woman opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the voice of her granddaughter from outside the tent. "Gran-Gran! Sokka and I have something to show you!" Katara walked inside to get her grandmother. "Well, someone."

She grabbed both of us by the wrists and rushed out of the tent, thankfully not noticing the way I had flinched. We were pulled out into the frigid Arctic air. I hadn't stood up in a while, and I had only just woken up a little while ago. My legs were shaky and I struggled to stand. I had no coat on, only a thick fur blanket wrapper around my shoulders. I clutched onto the blanket with one hand, not willing to risk dropping it. Katara pulled me by my other hand into the middle of the village. Everyone from the village was there. I saw the boy from earlier. Sokkas, as Gran-Gran had called him.

One person stood out from all the rest. A boy with arrow tattoos was wearing what appeared to be some kind of Air Nomad attire. He was completely bald and held a wooden staff.

Katara introduced him, "Aang, this is the entire village." She stuck her hand out, gesturing to the line of people who were gaping at the air nomad. "Entire village, Aang."

The sight of an Airbender was shocking in itself, not to mention the giant bison he flew with. I watched Aang introduce himself, no doubt making a good first impression. He seemed to be having fun. He turned around to face me, Katara, and Sokka, the children still giggling behind him. He seemed to only just now notice me.

"Katara, who's this?" My ratty appearance and tattered fire Nation clothes didn't allow me to blend in the way I had hoped. Many of the villages glared at me when they thought I wasn't looking, but they didn't go any further seeing as Katara tolerated me.

"This is (Y/n)." Katara giggled a bit, "We found her in the ice, too!" I was confused.

"You were walking the Arctic too?"

He shook his head, a look of concern on his face. "No. I was trapped in an iceberg... Why were you just walking?"

"I left my family. I love them dearly, but I don't want to be associated with the fire Nation anymore."

Aang looked perplexed. "Why not?" I didn't reply, not sure what to say. Was it not obvious? What did the boy not understand about the Fire Nation being the 'bad guys?'


Sorry this was so short I just wanted to get something out for you guys to read :'(

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