|Chapter 5|

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Thank you so much for over 1k reads!! It really means the world to me :) I've finished my summer job now and school just started. I'll try my best to update, but it might not be as often as before :(


The flare burst in the air with a sickeningly loud sound. I watched as the smoke fell in the distance, a heavy knot of dread forming in my stomach.

It was silent for only a moment.

Sokka slowly turned around to face me. His face was twisted in anger and his fists were clenched, body quivering.


All I could feel was anger. Rage. I felt rage, but I wasn't angry myself. I could physically feel it being pushed onto me. Rage consumed my body in the form of hot blue flames.

I couldn't scream, a source of fury against my throat. Rage pressed against my side and felt as though it was entering my body. Into my flesh, my bloodstream.

It hurts.

It burns.

"YOU!" Sokka grabbed my shoulders, his firm grip digging into my skin. I shook with fear, memories flashing in the back of my head. Overlapping, repeating.

It hurt.

It burned.

"You did this! You sent off the flare so your little Fire Nation friends could kill us all!" I just stared at him. I had so much to say but no time or will to say it. I was shaking, eyes wide.




Sokka continued to yell at me. "I bet you're with the little 'airbender' too, huh? Working together? Gaining Katara's trust just so you can crush her?"


I don't want that.

I just need her help.

I need her.

I need you.

He paused, waiting for a response. "No words, huh? Just say something, what's wrong with you!" At this point I was in tears. I braced myself, waiting for him to hit me, but he never did. His yelling was interrupted by a voice.

Thank you.

Save me.

Katara, Aang.

Katara's voice shouted out to us, "Sokka, what are you doing?" Sokka turned around and raised an eyebrow at his sister. "What do you think I'm doing? She just gave away our location!" I was attempting to push down my tears as I inched further from the Water Tribe boy and closer to the Air Nomad.




"Look how much you're scaring her! She didn't do it, it was an accident!"

Thank you.

Aang spoke up next "She's right! We were on the ship and there was a booby trap and well," Aang rubbed the back of his head, "We kinda booby-ed right into it."

He turned to me. His eyes widened in shock when he saw my tears. I had been so cold looking when he first met me. I had looked so unfeeling, but now when he looked at me he realized how false that really was. I was crying, shaking, and digging my nails into my upper arm. One hand scratched my arm while the other clutched at the scar on my side. Aang embraced me in a warm hug. The younger boy had to reach up to wrap his arms around me, but the hug was heartwarming nonetheless.

My thoughts rearranged themselves in my head. Things started to make sense again.

Thank you, Aang.

I hadn't been hugged by anyone other than Zuko and Iroh in years.

He gently rubbed my back as Katara and Sokka argued in the background, unaware of my condition. I had stopped shaking but was still letting out silent sobs. I was practically draped over the air bender who I had only spoken to once.

After a while I noticed I couldn't hear the Water Tribe siblings arguing any more. I lifted myself from off of Aang's shoulders. I looked to the siblings to see them both wearing looks of shock.

Katara rushed over to me. "Are you okay? I didn't realize he... Did he hurt you?" Katara's words were rushed and worried.

I sniffled and wiped the half dry tears from my cheeks. "N-no. I just cant-" Tears welled up in my eyes again

"Oh sweetie, come here." Katara opened her arms to me, and I rushed into them. I closed my eyes and took in Katara's warmth. Her embrace felt maternal. It made me miss my mother.

I opened my eyes and looked over her shoulder to see Sokka still looking at me in shock. I looked away from him and pushed my face into Katara's neck. I hugged her until I had calmed down again.

I pulled away from Katara, my eyes dry and nose slightly runny. I hugged my arms, suddenly feeling very insecure. Sokka looked at me, regret pooling in his eyes. His entire persona just said guilty.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't know it would... I'm sorry." I weakly smiled a broken smile at him, still hesitant. He stepped forward and opened his arms slightly, gesturing for a hug. I flinched away and hugged my arms tighter. I saw his face drop. The sight made me feel awful but I made no move towards him. I just looked down at my shoes, a cold and sullen silence filling the air.


I love Momtara in fanfic 💕

I'm sorry for making Sokka the bad guy in the beginning but he was seriously a sexist pieca junk in the beginning of Avatar so I don't actually feel that bad...

He'll be a babe later don't worry :)

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