Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Marie's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding head ache; it must have been from all the crying I did last night. I pushed myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I was barely awake I wanted to go for a run and work out a little; I hadn't been able to do that the past few days considering the events. I grabbed my jogging suit and slipped it on, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. The sun was just starting to rise, I loved running in the morning I could always clear my head.

I headed out the door and took off, I ran as fast as I could letting my legs ache. My thoughts kept going back to Derek and those girls last night. Had he kept them over? A little hurt came through followed by anger. I couldn't be jealous? I just pushed my running faster I had to stop thinking about him. I arrived back to the house around an hour later.

I knew that Bain probably wasn't up yet, as I ran up the stairs I slammed into something hard. I almost fell back but, a hand caught me. I looked up to see Derek looking at me, my heart hammered a bit. I peeked around him, no girl my heart fluttered even more.

"Hi" was all I could manage.

"Hey, you out running?"

"Yeah, had to clear my head." I stepped around him, gosh he smelled amazing. Keep walking Marie I told myself. I looked back to see him staring at me, a blush crept across my face. I opened the door to Bain's room he was fast asleep still, I didn't want to bother him so I headed to my room to take a shower. I stripped down and let the water wake me up even more. I hopped out a few minutes later. I dried my hair and put on some leggings and a cute long black coat with a belt. I put on some mascara and headed to Bain's room he had to be up now. I opened the door, he wasn't there but, neither was Maggie. I stepped out of his room and headed down the stairs, I heard him giggle he must be with the dog.

I came into the kitchen and headed for the fridge, since Derek didn't know how to cook looks like I will be managing the food. I opened the fridge, there wasn't any breakfast food. I checked the cabinets, nothing.

"If you're looking for breakfast food I'm afraid I don't have any."

I turned to see Derek leaning up against the door frame. He looked like a Greek god in his white polo and dark washed jeans. He had a smirk playing on his lips, his eyes looked over my body for a minute and I couldn't help but, blush no guys ever really checked me out.

"Why not?"

"I am not usually a wake for breakfast on the weekends and I don't eat before I go to school."

"Oh" was all I could manage he stepped closer and I just stared into his blue eyes. Bain came tearing into the room chasing Maggie, Maggie came barreling at me and nearly knocked me over. I steadied myself on the counter but, Derek reached over and grabbed my arm sending shocks through my body.

"Where is my brother?"

"I sent him out with one of the girls from school, I thought since his birthday was only a few days ago that we should give him a hell of an 18th party here."

A party, terrific I was going to have to take care of my drunken brother and keep Bain away from everyone. "Oh, really a party? Who is coming?"

"The whole senior grade." He stated matter factly, like this was no big deal that there was going to be a huge party raging at his house tonight and it was no big deal. I had never even been to a party or drank and I didn't plan on it.

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