Sport Festival 3

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Reader's POV

     The 1v1's were about to start until Ojiro and Nirengeki resigned.They were resigning because they said they didn't have any memories of fighting in the cavalry battle.Shinso was mad because he thought they were ungrateful.Midnight said they needed two more competitors.Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki now participated in the 1v1's

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki now participated in the 1v1's

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Changes: (Ashido is Izumi,Aoyama is Shoko)

The match was about to start.Shinso approached Izuku.

Shinso: "Hey Izuku right?"

Ojiro closed Izuku's mouth for some reason.Shinso then walked away.

Izuku: "Ojiro what was that for."

Ojiro: "His quirk is brainwashing he can make people submit to his will if you answer his question.At least that's what i think."

Izuku: "Ohh is that why you and Nirengeki resigned."

Ojiro: "Yes,when we were in the cavalry battle i was with Nirengeki and Tokoyami.Then I bumped into someone when I did I suddenly knew that I was brainwashed because I didn't have any memories."

Izuku: "Thanks for the info man."

Ojiro: "No problem."

Midnight calls the participant in the field.Izuku and Shinso were now facing each other in the field.Izuku walks approaching Shinso.

Shinso: "You're pretty lucky aren't you.You have such a nice quirk.You could easily reach the top.

Shinso realized that he didn't answer to any of his words.Shinso remembered the moment with Ojiro when he closed Izuku's mouth.

Shinso "That idiot monkey told you about my quirk huh."

Izuku: "What did you s-."

Izuku was brainwashed he was told to get out of the field.He was walking closer to the end.

Present mic: "What is this Izuku is getting out of the ring."

Izuku just turned his back.The crowds were cheering.

Shinso: "Impossible,No one could just get out of my brainwashing."

Izuku: "Guess I just have a great will power."

     Izuku is now approaching Shinso.Shinso was throwing many insults at him waiting for him to answer.Izuku punched Shinso without any quirk.Shinso punched him and made Izuku's nose bleed.Izuku's regeneration helped him repair his nose and he slammed Shinso to the ground while throwing him out of the field.

Midnight: "Izuku wins."

Shinso was about to leave until Izuku walked to him.

Izuku: "Hey Shinso."

Shinso just continued his walk back to the tunnel.Izuku walked up to him.

Izuku: "I know how it is getting bullied.Look at the crowd they love you."

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