Sport Festival

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Reader's POV

It has been has been a few days after the 2 weeks off

Kirishima: "I wonder who the substitute teacher is since Aizawa was injured greatly."

Aizawa comes in the room bandaged

Kirishima: "Mr Aizawa how are you even walking you're basically a mummy

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Kirishima: "Mr Aizawa how are you even walking you're basically a mummy."

Aizawa: "Heroes can't rest if they do then who'll stop the villain plus you still have a battle to fight."

Everyone: "More villains!!!"

Aizawa: "No.The sports festival.What is with this class and misunderstanding things."

Everyone thoughts: 'Just another school thing'.

Mineta scared that there will be villains again: "But what if we get attacked again."

Aizawa: "Exactly this is to show that we aren't scared of the villains.We will also increase security.You also get another week off so you can train."

    The bell rings signifying the school day is over.They were about to go out until the door was blocked by many people.

Izuku: "Hey what are you guys doing here."

Bakugo: "They're scouting competition stupid."

Izuku: "ohh.Could you please move."

Purple haired guy: "So this is class 1-A the class who survived a villain attack.You seem like nothing but lucky brats."

Izuku knew what he meant by lucky.He probably has a villainous quirk and everyone hates him because of it.

Izuku menacingly: "Please move or else."

Everyone moved

 They went home.Izuku,Iida,and Uraraka were walking together just like usual.

Uraraka: "Hey guys what are you gonna do to train."

Izuku: "I don't know yet."

Iida: "I'll be running while training how long my legs can last without exhausting my engine."

     Izuku was training with his knives.He created ice walls to hit with the knives.Then he had an idea.What if he used elemental control to the air so he can control its density.He also learned to predict where the knife will go.He decided that air density and knife throw would be good.He threw the knife to the dense air and it bounced.He is now learning to make the correct throw to make it hit the target at any angle he wants to.He is also trying to expand the time for TS(I'll be calling time stop TS now)

Time Skip

Present mic: "Hello everyone and welcome to the UA sports festival."

The crowd was cheering

Changing room

Izumi: "I know you are the strongest person in this class but I'm going to try to get on top no matter what."

Izuku: "I like your spirit sister."


Midnight: "Representing class 1-A Katsuki Bakugo."

It was supposed to be Izuku but he refused,Then Izumi also refused

Bakugo walks up to the stage

Bakugo: "I pledge that... I'll be the no.1 hero and win the sports festival."

The participants were booing at Bakugo for his ego.Because of that speech every class had lost respect for class 1-A

Midnight: "You all probably know what the sports festival is but I'm going to explain it for new watchers.There will be 3 sets of events the first 2 will be random while the last one will be 1v1 against the participants."

They were generating 2 events and they get an obstacle race and a cavalry battle

They made an obstacle race field.Everyone was in the starting line.

     Then Present mic screamed start and Shoto froze everyone.Shoko melted her ice with fire on her legs.Izuku melted the Ice by also doing the same thing as Shoko while TS.Izumi smashed the ice.Bakugo exploded the ice.They were running until the first obstacle robots.

     Izuku was first on the lead then 5 zero pointers came up to him.He punched the air with Ultimate Quirk Combination(I'm going to call it UQC now).It caused massive wind pressures which destroyed the robots.

Everyone in the crowd was cheering from the display of power Izuku made.Am was watching too.

AM: "That move looks familiar were have I seen it from."

     Shoto encounters a zero pointer he freezes it up and the robot shattered.Shoko encounters two zero pointers she burned one while she froze the other.Izumi encounters one but she used telekinesis and crushed the zero pointer.There is only one zero pointer left but everyone else destroyed it.there were only one,two,and three pointers left.

     Izuku was still in the lead running to the next obstacle the fall.It was a pit and there was ropes you had to walk through to get to the end.Izuku used airwalk to float a little so the crowd wouldn't see him airwalk.Shoto and Shoko froze the ropes and slid to the other side.Izumi used telekinesis to fly herself to the end.Bakugo used explosions to propel himself to the end.Then there was a girl with pink hair from the support course who brought her machine or "babies" as she'd like to say and jumped from platform to platform.Iida used his engine and pushed him self to the end.

    Izuku was still in the lead and it was now the last obstacle a mine field.Izuku ran very fast so the triggered mine would explode without him in the radius of the explosion.Shoto and Shoko used ice to slide to the end.Bakugo used explosions to fly and Izumi floated to the end.Izuku was in the end he was the first person to finish.Then Bakugo came in 2nd and Shoko 3rd,Izumi 4th so on and so forth

Midnight: "Next will be the cavalry battle

To be continued

I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately the exams are making me study 24/7 and lately i've been out of ideas

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