6 - "Hey Julie have you see- Who are these people?"

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(I do not own these characters) 

Luke's POV 

"Julie, wait " I yell as I run after her out the door. 

Once she's out the door, she turns around and looks at me.

"What Luke? " She says with tearing threatening to break through her eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

I slowly begin to walk over to her, almost as if she's going to run off at any moment. 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you go through my dream box every damn day, which is invading my privacy by the way, and you decide to show the guys. You do know what boundaries are right? because it sure as hell looks like you don't" She yells at me, with a hint of a Spanish accent coming through. 

Shit....... I'm in trouble, (again).

"I-I'm sorry" I manage to stutter out. 

"Not good enough Luke. " She says as she walks inside and slams the door behind her, leaving me standing here. 

Then I see Caleb flash in. I really don't want to deal with him right now. 

"Hello, Luke" he says.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT CALEB?" i yell at him. 

Then Reggie comes running out of the garage with Flynn following him cautiously, but stays out of sight of Caleb.

"Hello Reginald" He says. 

Flynn hides behind the door, so Caleb doesn't see her. 

"What do you want, Caleb?" Reggie asks. 

"I just wanted to see how my band was doing." He says to us with his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"We already told you. We Don't Want To Join Your Stupid Club." I say to him.

"Well those stamps on your wrists should kill you in the next few days if you don't" he says and shrugs. 

" You mean the stamps that were placed on our wrists." Reggie says and shows Caleb his wrist of where the stamp originally was. 

"H-How is that possible?" Caleb stutters out. 

"Its called love baby" I say to him. 

He just stands there thinking. Then his face shows a mischievous smirk begin to form.

"Bye boys" is the last thing he says before he flashes out. 

oh no.

What was he thinking, we could all be in serious danger. 

I quickly poof out and to the door of Julies room. 

I take a deep breathe before I reach my hand through the door and knock. 

I hear her say a small come in before I walk through. 

"hey" I say softly 

She's sitting on her bed with her white microphone in front of her with a blue sharpie pen. 

She put them done onto the bed, "hi " she says softly. 

"So, Caleb dropped by" I say as I balance in the balls of my feet. 

"What, are you ok" She says as she stands up and takes my face in her hands. I love the feeling of her skin on min- no Luke this isn't the time. 

"Yeah I'm fine" she drops my face "But he knows we don't have the stamps anymore and I think he's up to something" I take her hands in mine and she shoot her head up and looks up into my eyes, "I need you to stay safe he could hurt you, you're m- the bands weak spot. if I- we lost you I don't think we would be able to function properly" 

"Ok" is all she says. 

"No Jules. Promise me"

"I promise"

We just stand there in her room for a while, just holding onto each others hands. 

"I think we should head downstairs and see if Reggie and Flynn are ok." i manage to whisper out after a while. 

"Yeah" she says. 

 Neither of us move. 

She leans up, kisses my cheek and walks out the door and down to Reggie and Flynn who are sitting on MY COUCH. 

Reggie has his arm around her and she's resting her head on his shoulder, and talking so they don't notice us walk in.

I look down and I see Julie looking at them. 

"Did you know that Reggie has a secret crush on Flynn?" I whisper to Julie. 

She turns around and looks at me "Really?" she whispers back. I nod . "Well, we better set them up, because she likes him too" 

I smile down at her and nod my head. 

We just stand there and stare into each others eyes and I catch my bottom lip in between my teeth, which instantly causes Julie to blush and look down. 

"Hey Julie have you see- Who are these people?" Julies dad asks as he enters the room and looks at Reggie then at me, he sees how close we're standing and that instantly makes me step back. 

"wait, you can see them?"

"Of course I can see them"

"Well......these are two of my band members, the other one is out" she says to them. She motions to Reggie who has a shocked look on his face "That's R-Reggie " Reggie wakes at Mr. Molina. She then motions to me, I gulp "And this is L-Luke " she says. 

I give Mr. Molina a smile and he just looks at me with confusion. 

"Hi" is all he says. 

"Julie can I speak to you for a second?" he says. Julie nods and walks over to her dad. 

I walk over to Reggie and Flynn, and we all sit there in silence. 

then Julie comes back..

"Well good news is that you guys can stay. Bad news is that you guys have to come to dinner with us which means that we have to come up with a back story and everything." 

Then Alex poofs in....


A/N ...Welp..... That just happened 

 How do you guys think this is going to end? good or bad?

Random question time though..........

Would you rather be best friends with Carrie or would you rather be friends with Caleb ?

(I would definitely be friends with Carrie )

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