10 - "check your abs"

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(I do Not own these characters )

A/n the chorus I put in this part is a song called 'lady' by Blake Rose.

Also ⚠️ sexual references up ahead.

Reggie's POV 

"Also, I.need to talk to the two of you " 

Luke and Julie look at each other.

"W-what about?" Luke manages to stutter out.

"About .." i wave my hand between the two of them "..this "

"Ok" Luke says softly.

" Just dont break eachothers hearts, or Flynn and I'll have to pick up the pieces." I say to them, gesturing to Flynn and I. 

"We arent even together." Julie whispers.

"Yet" Flynn whispers to me.

I chuckle lightly and look at Flynn with a small smile.on my face.

"Hey! You guys are lecturing us, when I can clearly see the slightest hickey on Reggies neck." Luke says.

I turn my head and look at Luke "What are you talking about.?" I ask him.

"Right there." He says as he leans over the table to point at a spot on my neck. Julie stands up.and walks over to Luke to see where he's pointing. 

"I see it." She says. "Here you guys are lecturing us, when YOU TWO did something as Well. " she tells us

I look at Flynn, and she takes my head on her hands as she turns my head to look at the hickey on my neck.

"Hmm I don't remember putting that one there." She whispers.out, so only I could hear her. I laugh at her lightly and she hits my chest telling me "shut up".

But I guess I didn't go unnoticed by Julie. "That one? So there's like multiple on his body that we can't see and dont know about ?" She asks us ad she raises her eyebrows.

Flynn and I look at each other, then I turn back to Julie and Luke.

"I dont remember, I drank most of the alcohol last night" I say lying.

Then out of the corner of my eye I see Flynn, leaning into whisper something in my ear. 

"Check your abs" she whispers. 

"Excuse me for a moment." I tell them and I get up and make my way to the closest bathroom. 

I get in and lift up my shirt. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me. I see a bunch of hickeys and some bite marks. 

Damn Flynn.

I exit the bathroom and walk back out to the others.

I look at Flynn and i send a wink her way when I notice that no one is looking.

I sit down next to her, and that gets Julie's and Luke's attention. 

" Hey Reginald. Just know that if either of you two break eachothers hearts, Julie and In will personally come and kill you both." Luke says to me.

"We aren't together." Flynn tells them.

I mumble a small "Yet" , but that doesn't go unnoticed by Julie, who just sits there and smirks at me.

"Well we're out. So that leaves you two to do the  washing up." Julie says pointing at us and then she walks to the studio with Luke.

I grab the plates from breakfast and put everything I used in the sink.

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