Beastie Girls

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"I can't believe you invited me to join your little club. When I said that Luffy needed a club to join, I didn't expect this."

Bonney couldn't fathom how she ended up in these scenarios. On one hand, she knew Luffy was a good young man who held qualities that any girl would kill for. On the other hand, he had started to make friends with almost every influential girl in the academy by basically being himself. That's why she was in this club room an hour before school since she got a text from Robin about something urgent.

Carrot smiled at the front of the room where a big banner showcased Luffy's face for the entire room to see. Speaking of, the ones in the room were her, Bonney who was eating her morning breakfast, Robin who was reading quietly in the corner, Nami was doing some homework, Camie messed around with her portable sewing machine, Kaya was also reading, and surprisingly Vivi was the only one paying attention to the rather large banner in the front of the room.

"To be fair, I didn't expect that many people to be here today. Most of the girls here have been avoiding Luffy out of pure spite or propaganda from Linlin." Carrot mused, looking down at her notes. "I just feel like he had no right to be bullied like that! Linlin makes sure that everyone is seperate, but Luffy is bringing us all together."

Vivi smiled. "It's true, I've never seen someone like him walk these halls and cause so much trouble by doing nothing but be friendly."

"Luffy isn't an evil boy, sure he might be a bit naive and hardheaded, but he's kind and would do anything for his friends." Kaya said, earning the attention of her fellow girls. "Usopp tells me how Luffy would hangout with him and their group back at their old school. Luffy was part of what they call the Monster Trio and they protected the weaker boys at the school."

"So being kind is in Strawhat's nature." Robin said, leaning on her hand. "Interesting..."

"Luffy-chin is going to have the best defense against any girl who tries to harm him." Camie pumped her fist with a determined look. "So what are we going to do?"


"First we have classes to go to, then after-school we catch up with Luffy and tell him about this club." Carrot said, passing around a box. "Everyone, take a support Luffy button and stick it somewhere on you. I don't care where you place it, just make sure people see it!"

"This seems a bit stupid." Bonney took a button and placed it on her hat. "I mean, who else in this entire school would want to wear these silly buttons with Luffy's face on them?"


"Sister, are you sure you want to wear that button around the school?"

"Many girls are going to ask you why you would want to support this rebel. You certain you are up to that task?"

Hancock sighed happily as she placed her button on her backpack strap while opening her locker up for the day. Ever since she heard Luffy's speech and saw his "family jewels" before fainting, she had a small crush on the strawhat boy. He seemed...kind and brave and big husband material when she graduated! Perhaps they could live in a small cottage outside the city, with a few dozen children, and he could have a nice job while she worked alongside him.

The rest of the Kuja Gang and her sisters watched as she opened her locker to reveal numerous photos of Luffy in various positions and outfits. Hancock bit her lip as she blushed red and rubbed her face against the one picture of a closeup of his face.

"I don't care if our love is forbidden or unrequited, I just want him happy and dating me!" Hancock sighed happily, hearts in her eyes. "Is it wrong to fall in love with a boy who cares about women not for their beauty, but also their brains?"

One Piece, Many Hearts *Luffy x Harem*Where stories live. Discover now