Halloween Hijinks Pt. 2

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When hinges creak in doorless chambers,

And strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls.

Whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still —

That is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight!

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived the prince of darkness.

He was a kind prince, but one with a cold heart. Some feared him and others believed he had no heart to begin with. He ruled over the land with an iron fist, alongside his female advisors. None could match him in power or might.

One night, he decided to hold a grand ball in honor of conquering a large section of land. It was there where he met a beautiful ghostly woman who had charmed him. Since she was of the undead, she was a perfect candidate to be his bride. Not only was she charming, but she was clever and wise. The prince found himself enamored by her.

However, a jealous suitor watched them get closer with each other. She too wanted the prince to fall for her, not liking the attention he was giving her. For you see, this woman had placed the curse on the prince, preventing him from ever finding love unless it was with her. The ghost bride was slowly melting his heart, the heart that was meant for her.

Before she could interfere, the prince had asked the ghost bride for her hand in marriage. Enraged by this, the jealous woman disguised herself as the ghost bride and locked the true bride away in the dungeon on the day of the wedding. If she could walk down the aisle with the prince and have him declare his love for her, then the prince would be forever hers!

What she failed to notice is that the ghost bride had made friends with the castle staff and the female advisors. Noticing a change to the fake bride, the high vizier searched the castle and found the true bride who had been calling out in the darkness. Freeing her from the bonds, the bride and the vizier raced to the grand hall and put a stop to the ceremony. Before the prince could declare his love for the false bride, the true bride emerged. Furious at her deceit, the prince demanded for her head and went to gather the true bride in his arms.

The two sealed their love with a kiss and the curse upon his heart was broken. The prince of darkness and the ghost bride would forever rule the kingdom with love and harmony. And thus the tale of the ghost bride ends.

"What do you think headmistress? Can we make this play happen?"

Headmistress Shakky smiled at the enthusiastic female jumping up and down in front of her. Taking a long drag from her cigarette, she blew it out the window that Reiju had opened earlier.

"A gothic fairy tale huh? I think this sounds like a great idea Miss Perona. I believe you'll find that Whole Cake has many able bodies to help set up the stage and get props made for your little story. Camie from the fashion club has volunteered to help make your costumes for the show. Ms. Pudding has also decided to make desserts to serve at the show. You shouldn't even have problems finding who the roles should go to." Shakky said, looking over the play once more. "I must say, this is very well written."

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