Reaching The Top

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"Welcome to Whiskey Peak!"

The bus had come to a full stop in front of a large mountain range. The trees were large and full of life, with the green leaves twinkling in the sunlight. There was a small river leading to somewhere near the top. Rocky paths with arrows to show the way littered the terrain. At the end of the mountain, the two counselors waited for the girls and their one boy for a day in nature.

Baby 5 blew her whistle, waking up anyone who asleep on the bus. "Listen up everyone, today isn't a day where you can do whatever you want up here. Your teachers have given you specific assignments to compete while you enjoy a free day outside. Remember, if you need any help, you can come and ask me!" She gave them a smile. "I'll be happy to lend you my services."

The girls filed out of the bus one at a time. Nami gathered her things up while Luffy held her back open. Giving him a grin, she latched her backpack on and stood up.

"Hey Luffy, how about we team up? I think we could cover a lot more ground together." Nami asked, fiddling with her straps. "I understand if you have someone who you're-"

"Sure Nami, I don't mind teaming up with you."

"I knew it...wait what?" Her eyes widen as Luffy walked past her to get off the bus. "You actually want to team up with me?"

"Why not? We haven't had a moment together in a long time. Last time we were alone, Arlong and his bully friends were bothering you." He leaned against the railing of the stairs. "It would be nice to hang out again with you."

Nami felt herself physically get hotter as she stumbled out of the bus. The rest of the girls snickered at her actions, making her glare harshly at them. No way would she let anyone else see this side of her!

The group came over to the campsite where the two female counselors awaited them. The smaller one waved at them, her face showing excitement.

"Hiya Whole Cake students, I'm Mary and this is my friend Sunny! We used to go to your school before graduating and can't wait for all of you to explore the nature trails of Whiskey Peak! Now, I'm sure you all have partners in mind, but we did the liberty of pairing you off before you got here."

Nami's face fell as she darted her eyes towards Luffy, who was scrunching his eyes at Mary and Sunny. What if they were on two different teams and didn't get time to spend with each other? What if he paired up with someone else and forget about her entirely?

However, Luffy wasn't paying attention to Nami's social dilemma at the moment. Mary and Sunny were coming around to give everyone a compass and a additional writing utensil. When they came to him, the duo stopped and gasped before hugging him.

"I KNEW YOU LOOKED FAMILIAR! MONKEY D. LUFFY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Sunny exclaimed, pressing him against her chest.

"Sunny, you are going to choke the poor boy!" Mary screamed, trying to pry him from her friend's busty chest.

The entire group watched in silence at the scene.

"Excuse me, but do you know him by chance?" Nami asked politely, masking her annoyance a bit.

"We used to babysit this guy when he was little." Mary explained, most of the girls surprised by this. "His father hired us to take him to school, play with him, and even take care of him when he didn't come home. For awhile, we were this guy's mothers."

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