Setting the Mood

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Robin stood outside of Partys Bar with a shy smile on her face. When Luffy sent her the address to this place, she was wondering why he wanted her to come to a bar instead of some place nice like a library or a restaurant. A bar was not her first place for a study date, but Luffy insisted that this place had a good menu and the lady who ran the bar was a family friend.

Nonetheless, she decided to wear a nice outfit for the occasion. Her hair was curled up in a high ponytail, wore light makeup on her face, and put on a silver necklace. Her outfit was a lilac sweater, black pants, and black boots along with a leather jacket. A pair of sunglasses sat on her head.

Robin smiled to herself, silently thanking her mother for helping her pick her outfit out. When she told Olvia about Luffy asking her out, the woman gave her a cry of happiness. She then proceeded to point out how her helping him out is the confidence boost she needed. Making sure her daughter looked nice, she also gave her a box of treats to give to Makino for allowing them to study at her bar.

"Oh, are you the friend that Luffy spoke about? He didn't mention a girl!"

Robin turned in shock to see one of the biggest CEO of the country, Akagami Shanks! The red haired man was leaning against the doorframe of the bar, holding a small child in his arms. His success in business got him to become one of the richest men in the country. So why was he hanging around a place like this?

"Yes I am, my name is Nico Robin." She held out a hand. "It's nice to make your acquaintance."

Shanks took her hand and kissed it. "My, you also have some good manners. Now I'm even more impressed. Luffy hardly ever brings such beautiful ladies to the bar."

"Thank you." Robin smiled at his energetic nature. "Is he here yet? I know I came early to get set up and I brought some treats for you."

Shanks whole face lit up happily, poking his head back into the bar. "Makino, I think this girl might be my new favorite! Get the bridal papers!"

Robin's whole face turned red as Makino came out with an amused look on her face. "Shanks we do not have a say in who Luffy gets to marry. If anything, that's up to Dragon and Garp to check her out first." She turned to Robin, giving her a nod. "Please excuse my husband. Sometimes he speaks before he thinks. Luffy will be here in a few minutes, he called ahead to tell me you were coming."

"No worries, may I come in? If you have a free table, I can set up the study materials."

Makino nodded, pulling a grinning Shanks inside the bar to let Robin pass. The bar had a cozy feel to it, making her more comfortable as she found a large table to place her books and homework down. Robin watched from the corner of her eye as Shanks sat at the bar and flirted with his wife. Seeing them interact so happily made her imagine what a future with Luffy would be like. He seemed well put and smart in certain ways, a bit childish in a cute way. His nature to protect his friends and need to help others made him quite admirable. Knowing this, she wondered if he wanted a large family or a small one. Chuckling to herself, she was about to grab her diary to write in when a familiar voice rung loudly.

"Auntie Makino! I'm here!" The loud voice of the strawhat boy came from outside the bar. "Is Robin here yet? I don't want to be-" Luffy barreled into the room, noticing not only Robin, but Shanks. "Oh Shanks! I didn't know you were here too!"

"How's it going Anchor? Been so long since you were a little brat and trying to work at my company." He pats him on the head, laughing. "Well I guess I should get going, leave you two alone!" He leaned over and whispered to him. "I think she might be a keeper. Look how studious she is!"

Luffy batted him away, making Makino laugh. "Not funny! Robin is only a friend!" He raced over and sat down across from Robin. "Sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable in any way."

"No need, I can see you have a great relationship with your aunt and uncle. I half wish I had the same relationship with my relatives too." Robin said, bringing out the papers. "Lets get started. Shall we do a subject that you are struggling with and work from there?"

Meanwhile, at the police academy nearby, a man was seen sleeping at his desk, piles of papers stacked on top. The room was freezing cold, the windows drawn shut, and the man's glasses were besides his resting head.

"AOKIJI!" The door blew open to reveal a large man with a greyed beard wearing the uniform of a high ranking cop. "GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP AND AT EM! WE HAVE A MISSION FOR YOU!"

"Just as I was settling down for my afternoon nap." The man muttered, putting his glasses back on. "And what is this mission Garp-San? Am I just doing patrols again?"

Garp rubbed his chin. "No, we are getting reports that Baroque Works is active again. My spies thought they saw that no good Croc going into a cafe downtown. I think they may be looking for something or someone in the area. I need you to look through these files and capture them all." He threw the manila folder on his desk. "For crying out loud, stop sleeping during school hours! How are you supposed to be one of the top operatives and you can't even keep your eyes open?"

Aokiji yawned. "Dunno, I used to be way more active when I looked after Robin when she was little." He clenched his fist as he recalled the tragedy of Ohara. "Her she doing okay? Are both of them doing okay?"

Garp have the young man a solemn smile. "From what I heard from my undercover people, both are doing fine. Robin graduates this year and will be heading to Raftel University by next fall. You should go see her soon." He went towards the door, turning back once more. "You know, my grandson goes to the same school she does now. If you want to find a way to talk to her, ask him. I heard that they are good friends."

With that, he left Aokiji to his thoughts. Gazing at the Baroque Works file, he sighed and skimmed over the police report. There were many things he wanted to say to the young girl he had grown fond of. She was like a little sister to him, full of intelligence and curiosity. What happened to her family, especially her uncle and his dearest friend, made his blood boil in anger.

Robin...I will see you again and apologize for what happened that day.

Later that day, the smirking face of Alvida was seen handing over Robin's diary to a very tall individual.

"A pleasure doing business with you Sir Crocodile." The cowgirl said, chuckling in delight. "However, in order to get Nico Robin back on your side, you've got to get rid of her side piece."

Smoke filled the air as the mob boss laughed. "So, she got herself a new boyfriend eh? Guess she thought she was better than me and broke my heart to give to him." Inhaling once more, Crocodile growled loudly. "Whose the dead weight I'm gonna kill called?"

"Monkey D. Luffy, a handsome young man if I do say so myself. Shame that he surrounds himself with the wrong type of women."

"So she fell in love with a nice kid. Hmm...when I kill that brat, I'm gonna make her watch it. Then, she'll beg me to take her back after I threaten her with her darkest secrets."

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