A "Normal" Day of School

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It was finally happening, Monkey D. Luffy didn't think such a day was possible.

He was going to have a normal day at school for once!

After the incident at the gate, he and Bonney went their separate ways, promising to meet each other at the same lunch table they sat at yesterday. He pulled out his class schedule, silently singing praises to Robin and her mother for all their help, and went to his first class of the day; science.

The second he walked into the classroom, he was immediately glared at by the entire class.

Most girls moved their spots in order to avoid messing with him. Some downright ignored the fact he was there in the first place. They had all moved to the sides and back of the classroom, leaving Luffy a spot up in the front. He sighed, still having hope to make a couple of friends to study with and maybe hang out after school.

As he was bringing out his materials, one of the girls sat down next to him, much to the shock of the others. She had short green hair and dark purple eyes, which were scanning the contents on his desk. In her hair was a starfish hair clip. Her school uniform was decked with sparkly buttons, cute pins, and other baubles. Her backpack was decorated the same way, being an ocean blue color and having a mermaid theme.

"Hiya Luffy-chin!" She said enthusiastically, surprising Luffy with her peppy voice. "My name's Camie, and I wanted to meet you yesterday, but I got lost in the school."

"You already know who I am?" Luffy asked her, getting a nod in reply.

"All the girls know about the boy who came into the school. You should've seen their faces when the rumor went around!" Camie made a stunned look on her face before giggling. "Anyways Luffy-chin, if you need a club to join, why not try the fashion club? I run it and think you'd be the perfect male model for some of my clothes!"

So that's why she came over, for recruitment purposes.

"I'm flattered Camie-san, I'll think about it for when I sign up later." He got out his textbook, which was about as thick as the table. "Say, would you like to study with me sometimes? I heard Ms. Monet can be pretty tough."

Camie gave another stunned face, her eyes bulging out before blushing madly. "Of course Luffy-chin, I would love to study with you sometimes."

Luffy heard some girls whispering behind him, calling him names like "pervert" and "he probably seduced poor Camie". Rolling his eyes, he brought his attention to the front, eyeing the doodles that Camie was doing in her notebook.

Ms. Monet's class, for the most part, wasn't that hard at all. Luffy caught on with all the terminology she was spewing and her icy cold stares were always on him, as if daring him to get a question wrong. She hardly picked any of the other girls and focused all the questions on him. He thanked his lucky stars that some of the lessons Rayleigh taught him stuck in his head enough to appease the cold woman and gain some respect.

Camie promised to meet and chat some more at lunch as she had to go to Design 101. Luffy looked at his schedule to see that he had mathematics next with Ms. Bellemere. The name sounded familiar to him as he searched the hallways for her door. Eventually he wounded up on the other side of the school before opening the door and walking in.

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