Utahime's Coming To Town 3

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When the cherry blossoms fall to the ground...
And the scent of perfume fills the air...
The air sparkles with a new life and light...
As the gates of Whole Cake Academy open for the day...


Yamato felt good as she walked down the hallway upstairs.

After witnessing Luffy break up with Uta, she felt more confident with how she wanted to express her feelings to him. Sure, he just broke up with her, but as her former father always said to take what you wanted before it went away.

Granted, this was the same guy who took out her hero because of petty reasons.

The tall girl shook her head as she fixed her Christmas sweater and hair before adjusting her red-striped horns. This was it, no turning back now. This crush of hers has gone on long enough!

Throughout their childhood, Yamato felt as if she was playing second fiddle to the charming Uta. If Yamato learned how to tame dogs for fun, Uta was captivating audiences with her singing voice. If she was learning how to fight, Uta was learning how to dance. Yamato even learned how to cook to gain Luffy's attention, but was quickly overshadowed by Uta when she created a song for their love!

With each discouragement and rebuff, Uta would taunt Yamato for not living up to feminine standards. This ruffled Yamato the wrong way since she didn't live up to those stereotypes and would mostly be seen as more masculine in some cases. From her fashion to her passions, there was nothing that Yamato could do to sway Luffy's eyes away from starting a relationship with Uta. In some ways, she felt as if she lost a long battle where everything was going in Uta's favor. Everything always went her way whether she wanted to or not.

Until now...

Now the favor was in her court! If they were dueling on the field of battle, Uta with sword and she with her trusty kanabo, Yamato just snagged a final blow to her head. When she left for tours, all the attention was on her. Nights of them staying up late to study, days at Partys Bar serving the customers, and even the summer at Paradise Beach changed everything. Luffy started seeing her as more than just a companion for his adventures, but someone he could confide with. Ace and Sabo could only give so much advice about life and the world, however, she gave him advice on how to deal with girls. Oftentimes she was the one helping him plan out dates for when Uta came home.

If anything, that girl should be thanking her for all those good dates.

Now, as she stood outside his bedroom door, her heart was thumping wildly in her chest. This was the moment she had been waiting for her whole life. All those years dropping hints, pining silently, wracking her brain, and speaking to the other girls in the family had led up to this! All she had to do was knock on the door and-

"I just...don't want to date for a while."

Her hand hovered over the door, almost pounding it over from her sheer strength alone. Luffy's voice came from behind the door, sounding so sullen. He must've called one of his friends or someone to talk to about the breakup. Looking around to see nobody in the hall, she pressed her ear against the door to hear the conversation he was having with the person on the phone.

"What happened to Uta? Did you tell her that you wanted to stay in town?"

"I did. She didn't take it well. She even tried to manipulate me into going with her."

"Ouch. No wonder you dumped her. No girl is worth that much trouble."

Who was this guy talking with Luffy on the phone? Yamato knew that Luffy only hung out around either her and the bros, his rec center buddies, or his friends at school. This guy sounded more mature and older than anyone he was around.

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