Chapter 13

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Ivys POV

"Get the fuck out" Reggie boomed as he opened the door to the garage. A couple of people scattered, rushing through the door past me in a hurry to remove themselves. He pulled me by my hand into the room, shutting the door behind himself.
Finally a break from the loud music.

I looked around the room curiously, the blue trans am that I had seen the other day at school sat in the center of the garage, obviously it was his baby by the he displayed it. "Nice shop." I smiled, knowing the comment would stroke his ego. He puffed his chest proudly as he grinned giving a nod. "Thanks" he replied with a smirk.

I took a seat on the couch that was in the room, straightening out my skirt as I did. The boy flopped down next to me, his frame towering over me as he sat. He sighed as he leaned against the back of the couch, his large arm resting across it as he relaxed. "So when am I gonna get a look under that hood?" he questioned, as he looked down at me. His face scrunched as he realized the error in his words. "I mean your car, the car, y-your cars hood" he corrected himself as he laughed nervously. I giggled, resting my hand on his arm. "I know what you meant"

"Your funny" I giggled once again. I suddenly realized how cold the garage was due to the goose bumps forming on my skin. I scooted in his direction, seeking the warmth from his body heat as I shivered. "You cold?" He chuckled, casually letting his arm fall around my shoulders. I blushed, suddenly feeling the urge to get up and run to my sister, but I didn't. "A little" I shrugged, trying to make it clear that I was fine.

Immediately the boy stood, pulling the jacket from his shoulders and holding it out to me with a smile. I sat staring up at him frozen for a moment before I finally forced myself to take it out of his hand. "Thank you" I smiled sheepishly, pulling the garment into place around my torso. He nodded, returning to his seat. I had brought a jacket of course, but not wanting to lug the heavy coat around all night I had chosen to leave it by the door.

"So how are you liking Derry so far?" He asked, the look on his face letting me know that he was actually interested in what I had to say, something I usually only received from Aspen and Mom. "It's nice! Of course I miss my old house, but I'm adjusting." I shrugged as I gave him another smile. I could feel my hands shaking inside of the sleeves of his jacket as I tried my best to silence the anxiety that pulsed through me.

He nodded in understanding, his eyes locked on me. It felt so strange to have someone pay so much attention to every word I said. I looked away, my eyes meeting the concrete floor as I bit the inside of my cheek, I needed to shut up before he lost interest, or got annoyed. "Maybe I could give you a tour some time?" He smiled.

"Where did you live before Derry?" He questioned, twisting so that he was fully focused on me. I blushed beneath his gaze, snuggling against his warm jacket as I looked up at him. I pushed some hair behind my ear. "Well... we used to live in Seattle, but my dad got offered more money in Portland, so here we are." I countered, suddenly hyper aware of the way my voice sounded.

Reggie nodded, his gaze never wavering from my face. I squinted up at him. "Usually people aren't so interested in what I have to say" I laughed, trying to make it sound like more of a joke then it actually was. His eyebrows knit together as if my statement had annoyed him. "Well fuck them. I'd listen to you anytime." He winked. My face must have been red as a tomato.

Suddenly we heard the door swing open, making both our or heads whip in that direction to see who was here to bother us. My eyes met Patrick and Aspen standing in the doorway, both very obviously tipsy swaying a bit as they stood there. "There you are!" Aspen gasped enthusiastically. "I've been forced to hang out with this while you were gone." She continued, pointing at Patrick as she pretended to whisper. The dark haired boy rolled his eyes as he took a drag of the cigarette that sat between his middle and index finger.

My sister rushed into the room, her steps shaky from the alcohol that pulsed through her. She grabbed me by my arm and yanking me towards the door before noticing belches jacket still sitting around my shoulders. She scrunched her nose up, pulling it from my shoulders and tossing it back to Reggie. He quickly caught it. "Thanks" she slurred, referring to his politeness for letting me use it. "Welcome" He nodded with a chuckle. "Belch, come the fuck on, I'm trying to get fuck up" Patrick said, gesturing for Reggie to follow him. I scrunch my face at the nickname, Belch. Gross.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He replied, rolling his eyes as he heading towards us. He flipped the light switch to the room and shut the door, locking it before he walked away. It was obvious he didn't like random people in there with his precious car. I stumbled a bit as Aspen pulled me along behind her. Patrick, noticing her movement, immediately stalked after us, followed by Reggie. She pushed her way into the kitchen which was mostly empty besides a guy passed out against the wall. Her eyes scanned over the room, I presumed looking for more liquor.

She smiled as she noticed the open cabinet, making her way over before turning to Reggie. "We can drink these right?" She questioned, her words fuzzy but still discernible. He nodded, his once playful smile now replaced with his usual 'I'll kill someone' scowl. Aspen smiled, turning her attention back to the alcohol filled cupboard. She searched its contents with her eyes before they landed on something I knew she wanted, tequila.

Immediately she lifted her leg to climb up Reggies shelf, determined to reach what she wanted, which was at this point was to high for her to grab, to high for both of us actually. "Aspen NO" I grumbled, grabbing her by the back of her shirt and yanking her back to my side. She shrugged away from my grasp, clearly annoyed that I interfered in her mission. Before she could start an argument with me Patrick reached over both of our heads and grabbed it, handing it down to my sister as he took another long drag from his cigarette. She smiled, satisfied with getting what she wanted.

"Hell ya, let's party!"

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