Chapter 10

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Belchs POV

Patrick coughed hard as a cloud of smoke escaped his lungs. He bent over in his chair, his hair flopping into his face as he attempted to take a breath.

He passed the bong to Victor as he did his best to get some air. "Jesus fucking Christ" he huffed, pounding his fisting against his chest. Henry laughed as he took another sip from the beer he held in his grip.

We were currently hanging out in the basement of Patrick's house. His parents where never home and this basement had smelled like weed since the Hockstetter's bought it. Me and victor had a theory that a hippy probably owned it at beginning of the 70s, a weird rich hippy.

"Your sure your folks are leaving Friday?" Victor asked, struggling to get his lighter to work. "Yes, I'm fucking sure. My mom packed her bag a week ago, if they change plans now she'll probably kill herself." I sighed, getting annoyed by that question being asked over and over. As soon as I told the gang about my parents winter get away they insisted on having a party of course. I didn't mind, but the thought of having to clean it all up the next day really made my head hurt.

My parents were well off. Both of them only children who's parents had left all there money to them when they passed. They also had good jobs in the city that payed much more then any jobs in Derry, they had both attended great colleges but somehow ended up back in the asscrack of Maine.

After my dad got his financials in order he had bought a big patch of land on the edge of town and built my mom a big new house on it. He built it just the way she had always described to him, I don't think I had ever seen the women so excited before.

"I told Butch I'm spending the weekend at your house so I don't have to go home and deal with his bullshit, hope that's cool" Henry said as he rose from the couch to retrieve another beer. I nodded dismissively. He told Butch that a lot, sometimes he would actually stay, other times he just disappear till the end of the weekend. Either way I always covered for him.

"You invited the twins?" Victor smirked at me, leaning back into the couch as he pushed his hair out of his face. "I told Ivy about it" I replied with a slight shrug. Henry rolled his eyes as he reentered the room. "Still pretending as if any of you have a chance with those twins?" He laughed, flopping back down into his chair. "He's just pissed cause they don't even know he exists" Patrick chuckled, earning himself a hard elbow to the ribs from victor.

Henry glared at him across the room, clearly annoyed by his comment. "I can have any fucking  girl I want" he huffed. I rolled my eyes, slouching back in Patrick's old yellow la-z-boy. Victor let out another laugh. "In your dreams." He scoffed. "Shut  up." Henry barked back.

"Whatever all I'm saying is she may be all lollipops and shit, but behind closed doors I bet she likes it rough, her sister too" Patrick smirked, taking another sip from the bottle in his hand. I scowled at him. "Fuck off, Hockstetter."

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