Chapter 6

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Belchs POV

"Those twins are fucking hot, you think the mean one would let me rail her?" Patrick laughed. Henry rolled his eyes. "I don't think she'd let you touch her in a million years. She wants a real man," Henry replied, flexing his biceps, "like me". Victor rolled his eyes. "Both of you are fucking idiots" I chuckled as I pushed myself out from underneath Amy and stood up. Grabbing a towel I wiped the car grease from my face and hands. My garage was one of the many places me and the gang occupied while not at school. When we were younger we used to hang out at Henry's but his dad is batshit, so that was no longer an option.

"What about you Belch, the quiet one seemed pretty interested in you" Henry said, smirking at me from where he sat on the old couch my mom had let me put in the garage. "She asked me for a pen in class, she was just being nice." I shrugged, digging through the toolbox in the corner. "Hell no dude, I saw the way she looked at you at the dump, she wants it" Henry laughed. He had always been pushy with girls, but he found them disposable. I just shrugged once again. "Well Henry, some of us can tell the difference between flirting and politeness, that why girls aren't afraid of me" Patrick burst into laugher earning him a hard elbow to the ribs from Victor. "Shut up" Henry growled in annoyance. "And they are afraid of you. Your just to dumb to notice."

I turned around giving him a threatening look. Maybe the others where scared of him but I wasn't.

"Well if you aren't gonna talk to her then I sure the fuck will" Patrick laughed lowly, throwing a dart at the board that hung on the concrete wall. "I'd love to get up in that little skirt" he snickered, licking his lips. My head snapped in his direction. "I never said that, dumbass" I replied, glaring at him. He raised his hands up in defense. "Oh so you do like her?" Patrick smirked deviously, raising his eyebrows at me. I huffed in annoyance. "I never said that either"

Victor elbowed Hockstetter once again making him grunt in agitation. "So what's the other one like?" He snickered, referring to the fact that Patrick sat next to her in class. He shrugged but the sadistic smile on his face made it obvious. "She hot, kind of aggressive, but still hot." the words sounded so much worse coming from him. "She's more my type. The other one looks like a church girl." he chuckled, taking a drink out of the beer that sat in his hand that he had stolen from my fridge. "No she doesn't" I interjected, trying my best not to sound defensive about it. "It's ok Belch, we're not judging you." He laughed, so hard this time that he bent over to clutch his stomach. "That's just your type."

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