Chapter 19

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Ivys POV

When Aspen had returned home from sneaking out she was startled, I could tell. She wore a terrified look on her face as she took off her coat, lips and hands blue from the cold. "What happened?" I practically screamed at her, rushing over with a blanket from my bed and throwing it around her shoulders.

"Junk yard" she stuttered, shaking her head, her body jolting from her shivers. A sudden anger bubbled in my gut. "Did he hurt you, Aspen?" I questioned, pulling her to sit on her mattress as I tried my best to examine all of her exposed skin, looking for any evidence of that dark haired freaks violence.

"No, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine." She said, her voice monotoned and lacking any reassurance. I squatted in front of her, taking her freezing cold hands in mine. "Aspen, you can tell me if he hurt you." I replied, completely serious, ready to skin him alive if he laid even a finger on my sister. She blinked hard a few times, shaking her head as the color began to return to her cheeks.

"He just took me to the junk yard. That's all. I'm fine, really." I decided not to push her more, knowing she would surely shut me out if I asked her to many question. Sighing I dropped the subject, running down the wooden staircase and into the kitchen. I made a cup of warm tea and rushed it back up to her, cursing as some of it spilled out of the teacup and onto my hand.

My sister took it from me, giving me an appreciative smile as she took a sip. There was a long pause of silence that fell over us as we stared at each other.
"I want you to stay away from him okay Ivy?" She finally spoke. I nodded, understanding that even with her silence she cared enough to warn me. "And stay out of the junkyard." She added, a shiver running through her as she said it.

"Why what's-" she cut me off before the question could leave my mouth. "Just listen to me ok! I'm trying to keep you safe." Her face crunched as she spoke, her eyes tearing up ever so slightly. I had never seen her act like that before. I nodded quickly, knowing that if I just agreed she wouldn't be so upset. I hated to see her upset. "Okay, okay. I'll stay away."

She shook her head as if trying to rid herself of her thoughts. "How did your date with what's his name go?" She questioned, the change in subject seeming to calm her. I smiled sheepishly to myself, feeling my cheeks heat up as I thought back. "His name is Reggie, and he's a really sweet guy" she scoffed at this. "He's got some weird friends for being such a sweet guy" she chimed. I rolled my eyes at her response.

"He's not responsible for his freaky friends, Aspen" i grumbled, pushing myself up so that I was sitting next to my sister. "Did you kiss?" She said, easing her eyebrows at me mockingly as she bumped her shoulder against my own. My fave heated at her words and I turned to avoid her gaze. "Maybe we did maybe we didn't. Why you wanna know so bad?" I scowled jokingly. She only giggled, finishing off her cup of tea.

I grabbed the porcelain from her hands and headed off back down the stairs once again. "Oh your just going to leave me hanging like that? REALLY?" Aspen yelled, I didn't reply only laughed. As I got to the kitchen I took the cup to the sink, washing it and setting it carefully in the drying rack. I stood with my hands against the tile countertop, staring at the phone on the wall.

After a moment I made up my mind, picking up the object from the receiver and holding it to my ear with my shoulder and I pulled the dial in the correct sequence. It rang only three times before Reggie's voice came through on the other end. "Hello?" He said, his voice muffled, sounding as if he was chewing something. "What's the deal with Patrick?" I questioned, leaning against the wall as I examined my nails.

There was a long pause before he spoke again. "Ivy? What do you mean was he messing with you?" Anger already laced his voice as he continued. "No. But he was with Aspen earlier and she came home looking like she'd seen a ghost." He sighed on the other line. "He's just a freak, Ivy. Both of you should steer clear of him. Especially when I'm not there." I smirked at this. "What do you take us for Huggins? A couple of damsels?" He chuckled.

"I just don't want you alone with him. Or any other guy for that matter." I hadn't realized I was smiling so hard until my cheeks started to ache. "Well someone ought to yank his leash a bit and keep him away from my sister or not only will he be alone with me, he'll also be hanging from that tree in my front yard. Got it?" Another long pause. "Got it tiger." He replied. "Good." And with that, I hung the phone back against the wall with a satisfied nod. That ought to do the trick.

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