Chapter 19

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~ Katie ~

There were many things to be admired about our small, homey campus, but the cafeteria lunches were not one of those things. I pushed the lukewarm meatloaf, lumpy mashed potatoes, and undercooked green beans around my plate as I tried my hardest to work up the nerve to consume another bite. When everyone said that I would miss my mom's cooking the most, I thought they were being dramatic. Momma's cooking isn't the greatest, but this place makes her kitchen look like a five-star fine dining restaurant. I would kill for some of her homemade jambalaya right now.

"You gonna eat something, or just play with your food?" Bonnie asked me. She had an odd knack for sounding like my mom when I was doing something that she didn't quite find appropriate.

"Sorry," I elaborated, "I just spaced out for a second." My mind had been everywhere for the past couple of days. I didn't know if that was due to the stress of my classes or the memories of Mason and the lake house.

"We were just saying that you missed an eventful weekend here on campus," Haley reiterated.

"Some girl got trashed and started stripping that shit down in the frat house!" Max managed to say while fighting off a fit of laughter. "I watched her boyfriend carry her out over his shoulder while trying to keep her clothes on her. It was really the highlight of my weekend."

"She wasn't the only one that had trouble keeping her clothes on," Bonnie smirked. I instantly choked on my water and my eyes went wide. Did she know about my drunken frenzy at the lake? I hadn't told them about that yet. To be fair, I hadn't planned to either.

"Well, I guess the cats out of the bag now," Max shrugged her shoulders with a look that screamed 'trouble.'

"Oh lord," I breathed, "What kind of mischief did you get yourself into this weekend?"

"Honey, if that was mischief, I don't ever want it to be managed," her obsession with Harry Potter somehow crept its way into the content of our conversation, but nobody chose to acknowledge it out of the fear of enticing it to stay for any longer. Bonnie winked at our friend and gestured for her to elaborate further so I would understand what she was talking about.

"What exactly happened?" I asked after realized that my roommate wasn't catching on to Bonnie's gesture.

"Well," Max's face turned into one of pure evil as she furrowed her eyebrows and a troublesome smirk graced her face, "I may or may not have gotten d-ed down this weekend."

My eyes went wide as I realized what she said, and my concern instantly went to Bruce. "Does Bruce know about this? Because y'all seemed pretty hot and heavy last week. Did something happen between y'all?" I questioned frantically.

"Considering Bruce was the person I was with," Max explained in an obvious tone, "I'd say that something did happen between us."

The girls began to laugh, quickly moving into hysterics as I sat with my face in my hands trying to hide the embarrassment that made its way onto my face. I had been known to make some pretty dumb comments from time to time, but this one seemed to have come out of my mouth without any second thought from my brain. I mentally kicked myself and raised back up to see that the girls beside me were finally sobering up.

"It's okay Katie," Bonnie rubbed her hand in a circular motion in between my shoulder blades, "We know that you try to hide the blonde by dying your hair." I rolled my eyes at the comment and let a cynical laugh slip from my lips.

"You never did give us any details," Haley wiggled her eyebrows, "Did you have fun?"

"I'm not one to hoe and tell," Max said as she feigned innocence, "but I had a very very good time. No complaints from me... or Bruce for that matter."

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