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For my amazing friends that college brought me. I love each of you with my whole heart and feel so blessed every day to call you not only my friends, but my sisters as well.


Stars always shine brightest in the dead of night, at least that's what my father told me. Although, I couldn't feel any different at this point in time. I felt like a meteor, crashing down into the earth's atmosphere to my own demise. There I was, standing in the middle of the makeshift dance floor in the living area of a once clean fraternity house. Everyone's glossy eyes glared at me in a state of shock, still standing in their positions from their drunken dance fest.

"This must be a joke," said one girl.

"Not Pastor Callahan's daughter," another cynically spoke, "I suppose my mother was right about those preacher's kids. They all drop the act at some point."

My mind was spinning, but I hadn't a drop to drink that night. My eyes burned, tears threatening to spew out of them. He was the only guy that I had opened up to since the accident. As his eyes met mine, I knew I had made a mistake to let him in. He was my brother's best friend for Christ's sake. He was different now though, I knew that. I still decided to trust him, despite what everyone said about him. 'They just don't know him like I do,' I thought. My memories deceived me, though.

As I stood in the middle of the drunken crowd, I prayed that no one would remember this tomorrow. That they had too much to drink tonight, leaving them with only the memory of the hangover they would have the next morning when they awoke. This was single-handedly the worst, most humiliating night of my entire existence. 

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