Chapter 18

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~ Katie ~

Returning back to campus felt different this time around. It felt better, like everything was finally falling into place and I was beginning to feel that sense of belonging that I had been longing for throughout the past few years. My hope for my future at Redding had been renewed, and the light at the end of the tunnel seemed to be getting closer and closer.

The crowded campus seemed to be a little livelier today as students were wandering around aimlessly and studying with friends on large blankets under even larger trees that offered them a shady spot. There also seemed to be quite a few more parking spots occupied than before, making my choices extremely limited. If there were one thing that I would change about our small campus community, it would definitely be the parking spots that seemed to be placed sporadically and lacking a strategy. Once I finally found a spot that was relatively close to my dorm building, I quickly made my way back to my room hoping to find my roommate. I felt a little sorry for leaving her alone this weekend, so I wanted to make it up to her somehow.

Once I got to my floor, I heard familiar voices followed by a loud roar of laughter. I walked further down the hallway and approached my door only to find that the effervescent sound was coming from my room. A smile made its way onto my face as I opened the door to find not only Max but Haley and Bonnie as well. Bonnie and Haley sat on my bed that ran parallel to Max's bed, and their heads quickly turned my direction as they let out excited squeals. "Bitch, you'd better spill the tea," Max yelled excitedly as I gave her a confused look, "Bruce's dumbass told Mason where to find you, but judging by the smile on your face when you walked in the room, you're not exactly mad about it."

"She's not mad about it at all," Bonnie agreed, "Start talking, hoe."

"Geez, at least let her sit her stuff down guys," Haley reasoned as I made my way over to my closet to set my travel bag on the floor inside of the door.

"I don't know exactly what y'all think happened this weekend," I began with wide eyes, "but I can guarantee you that the details aren't as juicy as you might think."

The three girls' faces held a look that said 'I don't believe a word you're saying,' but Max motioned for me to continue with her hand. "What exactly do you think happened?" I asked for clarification.

"Well," Max gave me a pointed look, "I really think that if something happened that you're too modest to give us all of the gory details, so you'd tell us the bare minimum and leave the rest up to our interpretation."

"I mean, you're not wrong," I responded sheepishly as blush made its way onto my face, "I'm not the type to kiss and tell."

The girls sat quietly, waiting in anticipation, not realizing what I had meant. Haley's face quickly turned to a smirk as it finally clicked for her, "You kissed him didn't you?"

"Twice, actually," I laughed as Bonnie and Max looked at each other.

"What was it like?" Bonnie questioned excitedly.

"Here's the real question that will answer everything we need to know," Max said while grinning from ear to ear, "Was it good?"

Now that was a question that I could not give the answer to. It felt great to me, but I also had nothing to compare it to. Mason played a role in many firsts in my life. He was the reason for my first timeout in preschool, my first detention in middle school, the first dance I ever shared with a guy other than my brother at my cousin's wedding, the first guy to ever hold me in a romantic way, the first person to make me feel at home since Tommy, and now he had proudly taken my first kiss. Not that he knew what he was doing; much had changed in my life since Mason left, so how would he know about my near to nonexistent love life. Although I'm sure if he knew that he was the person who gave me my first kiss, he would feel even more masculine pride at the thought of being the only person to ever given me that experience and feeling.

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