Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry for the radio silence y'all. I've been feeling too busy to write lately, but I plan to make more time for my creativity! I hope you enjoy Chapter 21!!

~ Katie ~

I woke up to the sounds of my alarm for class going off. I felt around for my phone on the chest of drawers beside my bed, but I must have forgotten to put it on charge last night. I turned over in bed, and felt the mattress and sheets around me without opening my eyes. I was resting so well, that I didn't want to open my eyes and end my peaceful slumber. I couldn't remember what time Mason had dropped me off last night, but it must've been sometime late. The alarm kept blaring, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist and reach their hand into my back pocket, "You looking for this?" My eyes shot open at the sound of Mason's morning voice to see him turning off my alarm and scratching the top of his head. My heart instantly drops to my stomach as I realized that we had stayed out all night long. I quickly grabbed my phone from off the top of his chest and frantically search through all of the unread messages from Max, Bonnie, and Haley and fifteen missed calls from my mom.

"What, no good morning kiss?" Mason sticks out his bottom lip in a pout as I clicked on the messages from the group chat with my friends.

Max: bro, it's 2AM... where are you? I'm getting worried...

Max: has anyone else heard from her?

Bonnie: Not yet. They could've just taken a drive and gotten lost. Let's not freak out just yet. She'll call us when she can.

Haley: I kinda agree with Max, Bonn... this isn't like Katie. Not that I think Maverick did anything to her, but they could have been in an accident or anything.

Max: my point exactly. can we start freaking out now, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Just give her a few more minutes. She just might not have service right now.

Max: it's almost been an hour and I've tried to text and call her a bunch of times, but she still hasn't picked up her phone. it's really late and I am scared something is really wrong.

Bonnie: Me and Haley are on our way over to your room now.

Holy shit. We had really stayed out all night. I turned my head to look at Mason behind me and saw he had been reading the texts from over my shoulder. "We have to get back to campus, like now."

"Hey, hey, hey," he said pulling me into his side and rubbing my back, "Don't get so worked up over this. You're in college, so it's okay if you screw up some. Besides, it's not like you're gonna get grounded or anything for it. Everything is going to be fine. I promise."

I gave him an anxious look as I got down from the truck bed and paced the dirt road in front of the truck. I immediately exited out of our group chat and called Max's phone, praying to God that her 8 AM had let out already. One ring went by, two, three, and then I heard frantic breathing from the other side of the phone. "Katie Grace?" Max breathed heavily from the other side of the phone. "Please tell me that is you and not some kidnapper or something?"

"Yea, it's me," I responded, "I am so sorry! We must've fallen asleep at the water tower after my phone went into Do Not Disturb mode."

"Guys it's her," she gushed in a tone of relief.

"We're on our way back now," I put my shoes on and jumped down from the bed of the truck, "Can somebody bring my books down and sit them in the lobby on their way to class please?"

"I got it," I heard Haley's voice, "I'm on my way out now. See you ladies later! OH – I expect full details when we meet for dinner tonight!"

I got into the passenger seat of the truck as Mason shut the tailgate and climbed into the driver's side. He started the truck as I put my friends on speakerphone. "You have to tell her," whispering voices were heard from the other end of the phone, "She needs to know what lies ahead."

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